Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Object SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a padded shipping crate, on a pallet, in a high-value item secure storage locker at site-YY. SCP-XXXX must not come into direct contact with more than one (1) person simultaneously during transport and handling. If this occurs and produces an active state in the object the remaining personnel must immediately touch the silver area on the surface of SCP-XXXX, one at a time, until the active state is ended. If this does not end the active state, the site director must be notified immediately.
SCP-XXXX is extremely dense, weighing nearly one thousand kilograms (1,000 kg) despite its small size. SCP-XXXX is only to be transported with the use of mechanical assistance, such as a forklift, to minimize strain and injury risk to staff.
Destructive testing of SCP-XXXX is not permitted due to the object's potential containment applications.
The use of emotionally disturbed subjects as SCP-XXXX-2 requires 05 approval after the results of experiment [DATA REDACTED].
Cross-testing with anomalous entities possessing space and time affecting properties requires O5 approval due to the potential for containment breach. The use of SCP-XXXX to contain any anomalous entity is to be considered a last resort, and requires site-director approval.
All test subjects intended for use as SCP-XXXX-01 must be outfitted with a GPS tracking device capable of logging their location and autonomously transmitting that information to the Foundation.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a gold hemisphere approximately twenty-five (25 cm) in diameter and weighing nearly one thousand kilograms (1000 kg). There is a small depression at the top of the hemisphere, and a copper pannel and a silver panel on opposite sides of the hemisphere. The depression acts as an indicator light, emitting violet light during the active state, and the colored panels act as control surfaces, designating participants and beginning and ending the active state.
Scratch samples taken from the surface areas of SCP-XXXX indicate that they are alloys of gold, silver, and copper as their appearance suggests. The object appears opaque to all forms of radiation that have been used for scanning, including neutrons. Sonic imaging produces inconsistent results. Because the object is slightly less dense than the gold alloy constituting its surface it is assumed that it cannot be solid and must possess an internal structure or composition of some kind.
In its inactive the device appears completely inert and displays no anomalous properties other than its radio-opacity. When a different sapient creature is brought into contact with each of the distinct panels on the surface of SCP-XXXX the device enters its active state. The subject in contact with the red panel immediately disappears, and is hereafter designated SCP-XXXX-1. The indicator on the top of the device begins to emit a violet light and continues to do so for the duration of the active state. The subject in contact with the silver panel experiences no readily apparent anomalous effects and is hereafter designated SCP-XXXX-2.
The active state persists until SCP-XXXX-2 is again brought into contact with the silver area of SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX-1 immediately reappears in contact with the red area of SCP-XXXX, the indicator light extinguishes, and the active state has ended.
Attempts to create more than one (1) simultaneous instance of SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 have met with failure.
During the active state SCP-XXXX-1 experiences repeated teleportation recurring on the order of seconds to minutes, and in some specific circumstances, hours. SCP-XXXX-1 has, to date, always appeared somewhere on the surface of the Earth and never appeared in a location that would be inherently harmful to it, such as underwater, in midair, or in climates where it could not survive. During normal operation SCP-XXXX-1's teleportations appear to occur randomly between approximately 30 seconds and 2 minutes after arrival at a new location. Locations selected vary, but tend to be densely populated by large crowds of unrelated people such as public squares, transit stations, fairs, and stadiums. Despite this, bystanders rarely remark on the anomalous arrival of SCP-XXXX-1. Any emotional arousal in SCP-XXXX-1 including aggression, fear, anticipation, and disgust leads to an immediate teleportation and an increase in the frequency of subsequent teleportations proportional to SCP-XXXX-1's level of emotional arousal.
SCP-XXXX accommodates the physical needs of SCP-XXXX-1 by delivering them to locations where they can be met, and by delaying teleportation as needed. Such delays have been observed to last up to 6 hours. Note that SCP-XXXX still shows a preference for crowded locations, and will still immediately teleport SCP-XXXX-1 at any sign of emotional arousal. If a location, such as a crowded locker room, produces emotional arousal frequently enough that it prevents SCP-XXXX-1 from fulfilling the associated physical needs empty locations will eventually be selected instead.
Recovery: SCP-XXXX came into foundation custody during a raid on the household of Mexican narco-lord and known collector of anomalous objects M[arco Torres Hernandez] in pursuit of SCP-[Data Redacted]. The object was in its active state at the time of recovery. The object was noted because it was found in a prison and interrogation area despite its apparently decorative nature. A member of the household responsible for the maintenance and interrogation of prisoners offered to demonstrate the object's anomalous properties in exchange for leniency. He then deactivated SCP-XXXX, causing the sudden arrival of a Hispanic woman in her mid 20's, later identified as [Mariana Consuela Teresa Llanas]. At the time of her arrival she was clutching a notebook and pen, wearing mismatched and disheveled clothing but suffering no significant injuries or illnesses. She was suffering from extreme psychological disturbance, showing flattened affect, paucity of speech, and a reluctance to acknowledge the presence of any other human being. Despite this, she willingly surrendered the notebook. Treatment with amnesiacs was successful in restoring partial psychological function but rendered her unsuitable for interviewing. All people captured in the raid were treated with amnesiacs and released to local law enforcement after interviewing. Relevant portions of the journal recovered along with [Mariana Consuela Teresa Llanas] have been translated from the original Spanish and reprinted below:
Journal Excerpts:
Today I stole this notebook. I came to what I think was a college cafeteria for lunch and grabbed it off a table. Someone shouted at me and I was in a soup kitchen. I have to be careful, if I let go of this notebook I'll be alone again. I'll have to sleep with it in my clothes. It has been weeks, or months, I don't know. It would be easy enough to find out, but I don't want to know.
[Note that the following entries were scattered throughout the notebook among pages of doodles, sketches, rambling, and the notes of the original owner. They have been placed re-ordered for coherence by the transcribing researcher.]
M[arco] said I wouldn't be worth anything if they beat me, so they would have to find another way to make me appreciate what they'd given me. I expected them to give me the drugs and make me an addict, or to hurt my family if I wouldn't go back to doing what they asked. As they dragged me into the dungeon, I was sure of it.
Instead, his big tattooed lieutenant just wanted to show me this beautiful golden dome. He spoke lovingly of it, its beauty and power, and how in the end I'd do anything to see it again. He was stroking it. Then suddenly the thugs holding me shoved me toward it. I fell against it and the next thing I knew I was outside. I was in a plaza and I thought I was free. I did not know that hell has a big sky.
Whenever I tried to talk to anybody about contacting my family, I would find myself somewhere new and have to start over. I did this for a long time, the longer I tried the closer I could get, but the less hopeful I became. At first I would be somewhere else as soon as anybody answered my pleas for help. By the time I gave up, I could sometimes even call my family on the phone of a helpful stranger and listen to it ring before I would be somewhere else.
For a long time I passed the time talking to strangers about nothing. Now I can't even do that.
All this strange food and drink is twisting up my insides.
I cried for hours today. Whenever anyone took pity on me, I'd be somewhere else. Finally I couldn't cry anymore and curled up into a tight ball and hid my face so I could not see the places go by.
It takes less and less now to go somewhere else. The more lonely I am the less it takes. A smile, eye contact, on a bad day even the sound of friends laughing together and I am gone again.
I was so lonely today that I tried attacking someone on the street just to feel alive. As soon as I thought about it I was somewhere else, but I just picked someone new. Places went by in a blur until I was exhausted. I don't think I ever even managed to hit anyone. Thank god for that.
If anybody finds this notebook, please pray for my soul and tell my family I did it for them.
I tried to kill myself today, but it didn't work. Of course the thought took me away at first, but I was very careful and after trying all day managed to make it to the top of a tall building. I started to climb over the balcony railing and I felt so relieved that it would finally be over. I let go and my feet touched down in the mud of some filthy village where everyone shits in pits in the ground. I didn't even fall far enough to make me trip.
I tried walking into traffic.
I tried stabbing myself. It only took half a day to get a hold on a knife, and like this notebook I could keep it. But then I was in a very crowded place, a theater I think, and some strangers took it from me right away and I was gone again.
Surely, I am in purgatory or hell. I can suffer but I cannot die. I must devote myself to prayer.
[The later pages of the notebook are covered with sketches of catholic iconography at various levels of detail and coherence. In some places, they have been traced over so many times that the page has worn through.]
Selected Experiment Logs:
Experiment EXP-XXXX-01
Purpose: To confirm outside information about SCP-XXXX
Subjects: D-XXXX-1-A and D-XXXX-2-B, strangers.
Procedure: The device was activated for approximately thirty (30) minutes.
Results: D-XXXX-2-A experienced no observable effects. GPS results indicate that SCP-XXXX-1 was teleported to locations on the surface of the Earth. D-XXXX-1-A reported that the experience was "fun, once you got used to it."
Conclusions: The device appears to operate as described by outside sources.
Experiment EXP-XXXX-02
Purpose: To test the effects of sustained exposure to SCP-XXXX on both subjects.
Subjects: D-XXXX-1-A and D-XXXX-2-B, strangers.
Procedure: D-XXXX-1-A was provided with all-weather clothing, and a satchel containing drinking water and food sufficient for one (1) day. The device was then activated for one (1) day and D-XXX-2-A was monitored closely.
Results: The activity and condition of SCP-XXXX-2-A, including sleep, did not appear to affect the operation of SCP-XXXX in any way. D-XXXX-2-A experienced no observable effects. D-XXXX-1-A reported the following:
- It always arrived on a surface that could accommodation its present position. It was safe to sit or lie down.
- It was transported to restrooms as needed, although not at first gender-appropriate or in the familiar American style.
- It was transported to food in the form of street vendors.
- After overcoming anxiety about theft, D-XXXX-1-A was able to obtain food by stealing from those vendors and immediately teleporting away if caught.
- Sleeping accommodations were provided by teleportation to vacant bedrooms.
- Teleportation did not occur during sleep, although immediately upon waking if startled. D-XXXX-1-A lost the provided satchel this way.
- D-XXXX-1-A passed the time by reading after stealing an unattended book. The book accompanied D-XXXX-1-A through teleportation as long as it was in the subject's immediate possession.
GPS results indicate the subject went several hours without teleportation, presumably during sleep
Conclusions: SCP-XXXX appears to be suitable for long-term use, as indicated by outside sources. It also seems to allow SCP-XXXX-1 to both keep and leave objects from place-to-place.
Experiment EXP-XXXX-03
Purpose: To determine role of SCP-XXXX-2. In particular, if the feelings of SCP-XXXX-2 affect the experience of SCP-XXXX-1
Subjects: D-XXXX-1-C and D-XXXX-2-D, acrimoniously divorced
Procedure: As in EXP-XXXX-02
Results: As in Experiment EXP-XXXX-02
Conclusions: It appears that the relationship between SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 does not affect the experience of SCP-XXXX-1
Experiment EXP-XXXX-07
Purpose: To determine role of SCP-XXXX-2. In particular, if SCP-XXXX-2's own emotional responses govern SCP-XXXX-1's acceptable emotional range.
Subjects: D-XXXX-1-E and D-XXXX-2-F, D-XXXX-2-F scored high on clinical evaluation of the PCL-R psychopathy scale. D-XXXX-1-E had an average score.)
Procedure: D-XXXX-1-E is instructed to attempt physically harass and intimidate the people he encounters during activation. The device is then activated for 10 minutes.
Results: D-XXXX-1-E is unsuccessful. D-XXXX-2-F has displayed no emotional arousal during behavior far more aggressive than that attempted by D-XXXX-2-E
Conclusions: SCP-XXXX-2 is not acting as a censor of SCP-XXXX-1's actions or emotions.
Experiment EXP-XXXX-08
Purpose: To determine if limited emotional range in SCP-XXXX-1 permits it greater behavior freedom during the active state.
Subjects: D-XXXX-1-F and D-XXXX-2-E, D-XXXX-1-F scored high on clinical evaluation of the PCL-R psychopathy scale. D-XXXX-1-E had an average score.)
Procedure: D-XXXX-1-F is instructed to attempt physically harass and intimidate the people he encounters during activation. The device is then activated for 10 minutes.
Results: D-XXXX-1-F is unsuccessful. D-XXXX-2-F did not report experiencing emotional arousal during its attempted assaults, this is in keeping with its behavioral profile.
Conclusions: SCP-XXXX-1's emotional arousal cannot be the only factor in accelerating the frequency of teleportation.
Experiment EXP-XXXX-09
Purpose: To understand the role of emotional arousal in teleportation frequency by minimizing it in both subjects.
Subjects: D-XXXX-1-F and D-XXXX-2-G, both with high scores on clinical evaluation of the PCL-R psychopathy scale.
Procedure: D-XXXX-1-F is instructed to attempt physically harass and intimidate the people he encounters during activation. The device is then activated for 10 minutes.
Results: D-XXXX-F is successful in assaulting a bystander. After murdering that bystander by [strangulation] D-XXXX-1-F begins to experience frequent teleportation, but this does not persist. SCP-XXXX-1-F begins a spree of violence, carrying improvised weapons from location to location and leading to at least [20] casualties around the world. Because the fatalities occurred in many jurisdictions, extensive cover-up efforts were deemed unnecessary.
Conclusions: Emotional arousal is clearly a factor, because SCP-XXXX-1-F still experienced rapid teleportaiton after entering a state of emotional arousal following an act of violence. The exact nature of the relationship between SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 remains unclear, but if both subjects would be unmoved by something, SCP-XXXX clearly allows it.
[Wouldn't it have been fascinating if EXP-XXXX-09 had turned out differently? It didn't. Further testing with emotionally disturbed subjects as SCP-XXXX-2 now requires 05 approval. 05-[] ]
Experiment EXP-XXXX-14
Purpose: To understand the role of SCP-XXXX-2 by removing it's conscious participation.
Subjects: D-XXXX-1-I and D-XXXX-2-I, strangers.
Procedure: D-XXXX-1-F is instructed to attempt physically harass and intimidate the people he encounters during activation. The device is then activated for 10 minutes.
Conclusions: Emotional arousal is clearly a factor, because SCP-XXXX-1-F still experienced rapid teleportaiton after entering a state of emotional arousal following an act of violence. The exact nature of the relationship between SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 remains unclear, but if both subjects would be unmoved by something, SCP-XXXX clearly allows it.