The Infinite Wallet


Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-XXXXs benign nature, object is to be kept in a secure lockbox in vault 1A, Sector 43. Anyone who wishes to perform tests upon SCP-XXXX must make a request in writing for its release, as well as note check out and return times, and any and all amounts of cash generated.

Description: SCP-XXXX, when held by a male test subject, appears to be a black leather wallet. When held by a female test subject the object takes on the appearance of a purse. in all cases there is a small tag on the inside of the wallet with the phrase "Tempus Pecunia Est" (translation: Time is Money) printed in a Roman font. It was discovered by chance in a garage sale, after the death of the previous owner, when Agent XXXX bought it and uncovered its anomalous properties. SCP-XXXX appears empty until the holder tries to remove money from it. It will dispense $7.25 exactly on each attempt. Any effort to remove more or less than $7.25 will fail. Notes and coins produced from the object are always in mint condition and are identical to legitimate currency.

Addendum: Experiment Log

Subject D-XXXX: Male, 28 years of age
Subject handed wallet and asked to remove an unspecified amount of cash.
Subject complies and removes $7.25.
Experiment ended, subject returned to quarters.

Additional notes: Subject D-XXXX died of unknown causes, one hour before scheduled termination.

Subject D-XXXX: Female 23 years of age
Subject handed wallet, which transforms into purse as soon as researcher releases it from grasp, and asked to remove $1000.
Subject manages to extract $319 before collapsing to the floor.
Subject pronounced dead, no cause discovered.

Subject D-XXXX: Male 35 years of age
Subject handed wallet and asked to remove as much cash as possible.
Subject manages to remove $377 before collapsing.
Subject pronounced dead, cause not detected.

Subject D-XXXX: Male 32 years of age
Subject handed wallet and asked to remove $1000.
Subject, after 138 separate withdrawals, manages to remove $1000.5.
Experiment ended, subject returned to quarters.

Additional notes: Due to clerical error, Subject D-XXXX had no set date for termination.

Subject D-XXXX: Female 39 years of age
Subject handed wallet and $7.25 in cash.
Subject is told to place the money in the wallet.
Subject complies, no discernable outcome.
Experiment ended, subject returned to quarters.

Additional notes: Scheduled termination fails, subject survives for one extra hour, complaining of intense pain, then dies. Autopsy reveals method of termination as cause of death.
Additional notes: Pain expressed by subject is consistent with method of termination

Notes: In light of those last results, I would like to request more test subjects who have not been assigned dates for termination.
And some petty cash. Dr.XXXX

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