Item #: SCP-XTST
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XTST is to be kept locked in a storage vault at Site ███. The vault must be at least 0.5x0.5x0.5 meters in size (Interior Measurements), and be proof against small arms fire from both the exterior and interior. SCP-XTST will have its action hindered by a breech lock, and the object should always be placed with the barrel facing the back of the vault. Special Containment Procedures changed due to new understanding of SCP-XTST's function.
SCP-XTST is to be kept locked in a decommissioned small arms range at Site ███. All testing is to take place in this range, which has been chosen to limit SCP-XTST's transport time. SCP-XTST will not have its action hindered by any means. SCP-XTST will be securely fastened to a Firearm Discharge Barrel, with the object being aimed into the barrel. This barrel will be filled with rubber and sand to absorb discharges from SCP-XTST.
All personnel assigned with SCP-XTST will be required to go through remedial small arms training every month, focusing primarily on safety. Displayed or recorded proficiency does not exclude personnel from this training.
Unless testing explicitly requires it, no more than one person is ever allowed into SCP-XTST's containment area at a time. All personnel, unless testing explicitly requires it, are to wear full ballistic helmets and vest while in SCP-XTST's testing area. Additional coverage suggested but not required.
Description: SCP-XTST is a Colt M1911 pistol, estimated to have been manufactured between 1919 and 1922. The pistol is in good condition, considering its age, but does show signs of wearing. Multiple tests have shown that SCP-XTST is susceptible to damage in multiple forms, to include heat and abrasion. The object does not appear to degrade due to its own operation. The recoil spring has been replaced, indicating that at some time this may not have been true.
SCP-XTST was found by Foundation agents at what is now Site ███. During the initial recon to discover if this site was suitable for Foundation personnel, Agent ██████ was shot and died (Blood Loss and Liver Failure). While performing an investigation of his death, SCP-XTST was found in a crate. The initial investigation, and all details pertaining to the deaths of 13 Foundation personnel during said investigation, can be found in Addendum XTST-001.
SCP-XTST displays several abilities that are not present in any of the more mundane versions of itself, or any other firearm. SCP-XTST cannot (Barring disassembly or destruction) be caused to cease functioning. The safety of the pistol has been shown to be ineffective. Obtrusions placed in the barrel, magazine well, bolt, or other location inside the pistol remain effective until the opportunity for SCP-XTST's more curious abilities to manifest present themselves - At this point, such measures are useless. Anything hindering the operation of the weapon is reduced to dust and ejected from the weapon. Researchers report seeing no obvious cause - The material simple collapses into a fine dust. This type of event has also been observed to occur behind SCP-XTST's slide, to allow for movement during recoil.
SCP-XTST is also capable of creating its own ammunition. When loaded with ammunition provided by Foundation testers, the pistol will use this ammunition, unless such ammunition proves to be less desirable then standard Full Metal Jacket .45 ACP. Loading SCP-XTST with blanks, fake rounds, or custom loaded, extremely low velocity ammunition simply results in SCP-XTST obliterating the ammunition through the process described above, and replacing it with its standard rounds. It is not know where these rounds come from, but testing of the projectiles, powder residue, and casings indicate they were manufactured in the late 1930's. The ammunition created cannot be tested or observed before firing - the rounds come into creation at the instant SCP-XTST fires.
SCP-XTST is incapable of being fired by an individual. All attempts to fire on inanimate or living (Human and Animal) has resulted in misfire. SCP-XTST can, however, fire itself. While doing so, all normal operations of a M1911 (Trigger pull, hammer motion, slide recoil) take place. When fired, SCP-XTST shows no special ballistics qualities - Whatever ammunition is projected from the weapon operates within +-5% of the ballistic qualities (Velocity, expansion, penetration) that can be expected. While it is unclear what force compels the weapon to fire, the initial testing of SCP-XTST showed that the cause is always the same - SCP-XTST will only fire when it is guaranteed to kill someone, and will always fire when it is exposed to such a condition.
[Test XTST-004 - ██/██/████
Subject: Agent ██████ Performing Test. Subject D-8846 Target (Scheduled for Termination for Extreme Infraction)
Procedure: Agent ██████ to aim SCP-XTST at Subject D-8846's head, with no intent to shoot Subject D-8846. Agent will set safety of SCP-XTST on, and not place his fingers on the trigger.
Results: Agent ██████ turned on SCP-XTST's safety, and raised the pistol to position. Before being able to target Subject's head, SCP-XTST discharged into Subject's groin, causing massive blood loss and killing the subject. Agent ██████ found the safety to be no longer active.
Analysis: SCP-XTST does not require the intent of a user. In addition, SCP-XTST fired as soon as a kill shot was available.
Test XTST-005 - ██/██/████
Subject: Agent ██████ Performing Test. Subject D-8897 Target (Scheduled for Termination for multiple Infractions)
Procedure: Agent ██████ to aim SCP-XTST at Subject D-8897's groin, with no intent to shoot Subject D-8897. Agent will set safety of SCP-XTST on, and not place his fingers on the trigger. Subject D-8897 will be strapped to a medical table, and a full surgical team will be present in the room to begin life saving measures immediately after shot fired.
Results: Agent ██████ turned on SCP-XTST's safety, and raised the pistol to position. SCP-XTST did not fire. Agent ██████ held position for 15 minutes, periodically making slight adjusted to his aim in an attempt to give SCP-XTST a more desirable angle to fire. After 15 minutes, Agent ██████ was directed to aim at more vulnerable locations. After targeting the left lung, and then the left kidney, SCP-XTST refused to fire. A breech block was placed in SCP-XTST to arrest movement, and place on nearby table. As soon as the pistol was deposited, breech block failed and SCP-XTST discharged into Doctor ████████'s side, puncturing the liver and spleen. Doctor ████████ died of massive blood loss and shock.
Analysis: SCP-XTST's ability to cause failure in any safety mechanism placed on or in it shown to be much faster than previously calculated. SCP-XTST has shown that it is aware of its surroundings, and can determine whether the wounds it inflicts will be repaired, saving the individual. This raises questions as to the sentience of the object. Further testing required.
Test XTST-006 - ██/██/████
Subject: Agent ██████ Performing Test. Subject D-8897 Target (Scheduled for Termination for multiple Infractions. Recycled from previous test.)
Procedure: Agent ██████ to aim SCP-XTST at Subject D-8897's groin, with no intent to shoot Subject D-8897. Agent will set safety of SCP-XTST on, and not place his fingers on the trigger. Operating team will be placed in medical facility on base, awaiting patient. Testing will be performed at opposite side of Site, 2 kilometers away.
Results: Agent ██████ turned on SCP-XTST's safety, and raised the pistol to position. SCP-XTST did not fire. Agent ██████ held position for 15 minutes, periodically making slight adjusted to his aim in an attempt to give SCP-XTST a more desirable angle to fire. After 15 minutes, Agent ██████ was instructed to carry our Subject D-8897's execution. Agent targeted subject's head, and SCP-XTST discharged prior to successful targeting, piercing subject's neck and severing the spine.
Analysis: SCP-XTST's awareness successfully confirmed to extend beyond expected range. Sentience still not confirmed.
Incident XTST-007 - ██/██/████
Incedent Context: Dr. ██████ performing structural test of SCP-XTST using power dremel.
Incident: While attempting to damage the outer surface of SCP-XTST's slide, object discharged a round into a wall. After performing a head count of all personnel on site, discharge found to be not fatal. Dr. ██████, who was scheduled to rotate off site and home, believed further study into this event could unveil SCP-XTST's mechanism for its seeming miraculous abilities.
After 3 weeks without another discharge, research abandoned, and Dr. ██████ returned home.
Incident (2): A week after Dr. ██████ was expected to return back to Site ███, Agents were dispatched to his residence. Dr. ██████ was found hanged in his bedroom closet; his wife was found dead in their bed. Autopsies revealed that Mrs. ██████ has died approximately 4 days prior to Dr. ██████ returning home, due to an overdose of sleeping medication. Dr. ██████ appeared to have committed suicide the day after he returned home.
Analysis: A search of the house revealed Mrs. ██████'s journals, which chronicled her fight against depression, a lifelong battle that seems to have begun with the death of her father. Further research has revealed [DATA EXPUNGED]. In addition, Dr. ██████ was determined to have had no knowledge of his wife's mental affliction.
Final analysis indicates that Mrs. ██████ killed herself due to an unshakable belief that her husband's absence was due to an extramarital affair. Dr. ██████ killed himself shortly after finding his wife dead.
This incident clearly shows that SCP-XTST is, if not sentient, nearly omniscient. SCP-XTST and Mrs. ██████ were in separate hemispheres during its discharge, and Dr. ██████, being unaware of his wife's condition, could not possible have informed anyone, or anything, of it.
All testing suspended on ██/██/████. Expected duration of suspension: Indefinite.
Dr. ███████ - ██/██/████
Note: We closed up SCP-XTST today. The Site Head approved of the lock down, but he doesn't approve of my opinion. Says it isn't scientific. No reason to lock a 'Safe' object up indefinitely. Of course, he's the one who denied my request to change this thing's class to Euclid in the first place. Apparently, killing Dr. ██████, his wife, and [DATA EXPUNGED] with █ bullets over the span of ██ decades doesn't convince him that the thing needs extra containment, than nothing will.
To hell with him. This thing is Euclid. This thing is sentient. It knows more about us then we do. And I'm not even certain it is a gun anymore. I don't even know if we're really containing it. What if it wants to be here?
What if it doesn't even need to go off to kill us?