DEAR READERS Hello. Okay this is my first stab at an SCP and is currently undergoing constant revisioning. The pieces are there but it needs a tightening. Need some fresh eyes on this to get some re-assurance.

Item #: SCP-1266
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
Due to the scale of the subject it is not possible to fully contain. Co-ordinated perimeter patrols are currently deployed on a five point pentagonal network covering nine square kilometres. The site has been supplied with:
- Ten security officers
- Ten science team members
- Five medical staff
- Three administration staff
- Emergency airlift helicopter and pilot
- Two emergency response vehicles
- Three ULVs (unmanned land vehicle)
Relief teams are also on standby to replace staff should any incident occur. All team members are to conduct biometric scans of the retina or fingerprint from supplied TaG (Tissue and Genetic) pads every six hours so to monitor vitals of all staff and improve personnel wellbeing. This will also allow for pre-emptive treatment if changes in the body arise. Security officers are equipped with non-lethal close range tasers, with lethal weaponry and munitions are kept on site in outposts Alpha through Epsilon. All weaponry on site is to be used only as a last resort against dangerous wildlife as confrontational contact may compromise the integrity of findings ascertained during investigation. Civilian activity in the area is minimal, with the closest settlement being █████ fifteen kilometres due east. Cultural investigation conducted around █████ has led to the discovery of folklore regarding a structure resembling SCP-1266’s description and has thus far proven an effective deterrent against public activity near the site.
Waypoint beacons haven been deployed throughout the accessible areas of the site and are to be adhered to when conducting expeditions. It is currently the only accurate way to determine the location of all personnel out in the field and respond effectively if an incident is to occur. Virtual real time maps are accessible at all outposts and can be used to track science teams as they pass checkpoints. Locations of individuals are determined through a tracking chip implemented into every TaG pad and must be kept in possession of all personnel at all times.
Personnel guidelines on site behaviour:
IoA (Instructions on Action) paperback guidelines have been distributed to every member of the investigative science teams. They are to be read through thoroughly. Mandatory competence tests must be completed and passed before personnel are permitted to be on site. Section 12A of the IoA covers all contact/confrontation scenarios and requires completion of a separate test. Participants must attain a 100% pass score on the latter in order to handle lethal and non-lethal weaponry. Both tests are to be undertaken by all staff on site.
Aesthetically the subject bares resemblance to a rollercoaster theme park attraction aged by several years of decay. This sole quality yields it no further traits of kinship to the theme park ride. To clarify, said subject has an omission of cars, control points and entry/exit points which would otherwise feature on such a structure. SCP-1266 is made up of steel, wood and concrete materials. The wooden components of the track are held in place by steel rails and a frame which is mounted on pole supports of the same material. These poles are received into concrete blocks which comprise the structure’s foundations. The lowest point of the track stands at a height of 5.42 meters, whilst the tallest point stands at a height of 36.21 meters. The track itself covers nine square kilometres of land.
Case CI1266-S003 has suggested that SCP-1266 could be a responsive organism/structure hybrid. Towards the centre of the nine square kilometre area, the subject is able to constrict itself in a dynamic fashion as track in that area is unsupported. When compressive shifting of the outer track making up the perimeter of SCP-1266 happens, it subsequently allows track in the centre of the subject’s territory to tauten. The I1266-OS1 substance heats up inside the metal components, allowing the structure to become much more pliant. The result of the action is that an increased concentration of I1266-OS1 is allowed to pass through the body of SCP-1266 towards any area of the zone it occupies. This reaction persistently occurs upon the detection of organic life, namely wild animals and humans. ULV’s used in the same area have yielded no such reaction reinforcing this theory. The nature of this behaviour shares qualities found in the rudimentary reflexive functions of a Venus flytrap, varying in sentience to the more conscious actions relatable to a Boa-constrictor.
Spots of prospering flora have been found around the zone occupied by SCP-1266. Said flora is coloured in red and brown hues, with science team members describing a pungent aroma emanating from this source. As sunlight is not able to fully penetrate the thick mist veiling the site, it has been determined that the plant life is receiving energy from the remains of organic material.
The implication is that SCP-1266 acts as a digestive body, breaking down organic matter for a new form of saprophytic plant life to consume. Such a discovery has led to the theory that SCP-1266 is actually more of an extension of [Redacted]. Further enquiry into the site will proceed when authorisation from offsite administration is received, whereupon investigation into this new hypothesis will commence. Samples of I1266-OS1 are being contained and readied for export. When I1266-OS1 has received the green light for distribution, it will be exported to [Data Expunged].
- Richard Sanford – Project Manager and Field Administrator
OIC: Operation Incident Catalogue
Monitor: Kasey Gray
Role: OIC and HR Field Administrator
No. of incidents reported: 4
Investigations have been cut down from daily patrols to bi-weekly inspections due to personnel voicing extreme discomfort during expeditions. Symptoms commonly identified are feelings of numbness throughout the body, headaches and, in rare cases, entering a state of inertia or movements becoming heavier and more sluggish. Persisting ailments have led to disturbing changes in the body. Some of which have resulted in a full anatomical lock-up resembling rigor mortis found in dead bodies. Neural activity during this state is erratic and levels of stress reach extremely elevated states. Vital organ functions, however, are nominal with an individual unaffected by the condition. One of the patients has described the state of lock-up as “excruciating”. The cut down in expeditions has eliminated the possibility of this happening again and improved team morale in general.