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Item #: SCP-1616

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Subject SCP-1616-1 is to be kept in Site ██ located in an isolated chamber measuring 4m by 4m by 4m. The interior and exterior walls of the chamber are to sound proof with overlapping triple redundant layers. Subject is to be chained to the far wall opposite of the door, with sufficient room to reach the door without exiting the door. The door is to be made of clear hard plastics for study and observation purposes. A short hallway, built to the same specifications as the chamber, is too act as an air lock of sorts, a stainless steel door barricading the opposite end. Standard video surveillance is permitted inside the chamber, but no unauthorized recording devices are to be allowed inside the air lock (Following incident ████ all further experiments involving SCP-1616 are to be conducted with previously collected samples of it). Two guards are to be stations outside the steel door at all times, armed with teasers and wearing noise cancellation helmets.

In the event of a containment breach, the on site speaker system is to engage at a decibel level of 150plus, playing a prerecorded instance of whitenoise on loop. This is too be maintained at a consistent volume level until containment is restored. All onsite personal are advised to keep ear plugs on their person at all times in the event of a breach.

Description: Subject SCP-1616 is a low yield radioactive field of limited sentience, currently inhabiting a late middle aged man of eastern European ethnicity, dubbed SCP-1616-1. 1616-1 is patient zero of the phenomenon1616 exhibits 24/7, dubbed SCP-1616-2 which manifest itself as an audible sound wave.

When 1616-2 is processed by the human ear, a complete collapse of all conscious brain functions similar to a state of incredibly deep hypnosis, or REM sleep results(Note: Animals seem largely immune to the affect if not the noise, weather due to biological discrepancies or insufficiently developed brain matter is unknown). This affect can be countered briefly by a sufficiently resistant will, but the best method shown so far seems to be overwhelmingly loud background noise drowning 1616-2 out.

The exposed subject(s), classified as SCP-1616-3, will then precede to produce SCP-1616-2 at a varible, some times almost entirely muted, level sustained continuously. 1616-3 has shown an inability to preform at the higher levels of consciousness exhibited by 1616-1, though tasks preformed on a subconscious level are exhibited plainly. It is suspected that 1616 has some level of control over 1616-3, though this is mostly based on conjecture, and indeed the primary theory is 1616-3 is driven mostly by instinct, which seems to compel them to spread 1616-2 to as many subjects as possible, similar to the rationale of a virus.

There is a standard period of three days from time of exposure inside of which an instance of 1616-3 may be 'cured' by way of Class-B Amnesics, with little to no lingering side affects. Any later then this requires immediate termination of the SCP, as exposure begins altering the subject at the biological level, seemingly to better suit it's needs, the vocal cords in particular being almost unrecognizable afterwards.

Those interested in the acquisition of the subject are referred to [DATA EXPUNGED]

Addendum 1616-A: 1616-2 has been successfully captured on a digital audio recording device, and sufficiently altered to allow hearing without risk of exposure. Access to the file is restricted with Level 2 security clearance required for testing.

Addendum 1616-B: Extensive testing with the altered version of 1616-2 has shown a noticeable trend among listeners. A deep, lingering melancholy being the most common reaction. Several individuals have likened the sound, to that of a lost child crying out for it's mother. Further testing is required.

Addendum 1616-C: Dr. ██████ requests permission to attempt communication with 1616 through the use of paper. Pending O5 approval.

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