
Completion of each write-up:

  • Dance: Incomplete concept, draft.
  • Chicken Milk: Complete draft.
  • The Whirring: Complete draft. Concept reworking seems necessary.
  • TMWTU: Very incomplete in both respects
  • Marklar-173: What a joke why is this even on here but complete.
  • Newspaper bears: Very incomplete in both respects.
  • Holographic Housing Table: Complete draft.

Item #: SCP-####

Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Materials regarding SCP-#### are to be held in the archives of Site-███. Materials to date include: one (1) book utilizing what appears to be a derivation of the Voynich alphabet and an as-yet unknown language, featuring illustrations of each move in the performance; twelve (12) copies of the no longer published dance periodical [REDACTED], featuring an article discussing the performance philosophically and detailing the performance; one (1) L-500 Betamax tape of a performance dated to 198█, referred to as SCP-####-2; twenty-four (24) female outfits made of [REDACTED] and six (6) male outfits also made of [REDACTED], stained with what appears to be █████ █████, the two outfits referred to as SCP-####-3. Any additional instructions found should be sent in for processing and storage. Foundation personnel are granted permission to incinerate these materials should retrieval be impossible. Any and all experiments relating to SCP-#### must receive approval from O5.

Description: SCP-#### is a ritual dance of unknown origin. The sequence of the dance by itself does not cause any adverse affects (See Experiment SCP-####-A), however, under proper lighting conditions and with costumes of similar make and design to SCP-####-3 cause audience members to engage in an event known as SCP-####-1. This event may not occur for up to a month following the performance, however, events have been known to occur as early as the second morning afterward.
SCP-####-1 is an event taking place at 0256 hours on any given morning following the performance, up to which time attendees appear to be acting normally. All audience members move to one location, selected at random, though barns and stables are most used. Upon arrival at location, one non-attendee will be presented by a person involved in production, usually the director, on a stone slab.

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