Item #: SCP-####
Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Materials regarding SCP-#### are to be held in the archives of Site-███. Materials to date include: one (1) book utilizing what appears to be a derivation of the Voynich alphabet and an as-yet unknown language, featuring illustrations of each move in the performance; twelve (12) copies of the no longer published dance periodical [REDACTED], featuring an article discussing the performance philosophically and detailing the performance; one (1) L-500 Betamax tape of a performance dated to 198█, referred to as SCP-####-2; twenty-four (24) female outfits made of [REDACTED] and six (6) male outfits also made of [REDACTED], stained with what appears to be █████ █████, the two outfits referred to as SCP-####-3. Any additional instructions found should be sent in for processing and storage. Foundation personnel are granted permission to incinerate these materials should retrieval be impossible. Any and all experiments relating to SCP-#### must receive approval from O5.
Description: SCP-#### is a ritual dance of unknown origin. The sequence of the dance by itself does not cause any adverse affects (See Experiment SCP-####-A), however, under proper lighting conditions and with costumes of similar make and design to SCP-####-3 cause audience members to engage in an event known as SCP-####-1. This event may not occur for up to a month following the performance, however, events have been known to occur as early as the second morning afterward.
SCP-####-1 is an event taking place at 0256 hours on any given morning following the performance, up to which time attendees appear to be acting normally. All audience members move to one location, selected at random, though barns and stables are most used. Upon arrival at location, one non-attendee will be presented by a person involved in production, usually the director, on a stone slab.
Item #: SCP-####
Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Object is to be held in cold storage at Site-██. It may be used by researchers freely, as well as cafeteria personnel, but only under the supervision of one researcher of level 2 clearance. If used for cafeteria work, it is to be heated to an even temperature of 80o C
Description: SCP-#### is a carton of size equivalent to that of a quarter-gallon (.95 liters). It is labeled "Chicken Milk", and its outward appearance is similar to a popular line of prank labels for foodstuffs.
SCP-####, when turned over completely, does not dispense liquid, however, when attempts are made to pour it into a glass, the resulting liquid is a pale tan substance. The carton does not appear to lose mass upon emptying of its contents, having remained at a steady weight after 1█ months of use by researchers and cafeteria personnel. When drunk, personnel report tasting raw poultry. 62% of test subjects develop symptoms of salmonella soon afterward.
Despite the appearance of the disease in the bloodstream of subjects and the taste of the substance, tests have shown conclusively that SCP-#### is free of any biological hazards and is chemically identical to cattle milk.
Discovery of SCP-#### was made by Agent ████████, who bought it at █████ █████ in █████████. Agent ████████ brought it in upon discovery of the flavor and died soon afterward due to an acute infection of salmonella. Restrictions were made to the service of the cold substance to non-D personnel following this incident.
Addendum: "Look, we don't care what you do with it, as long as nobody's getting sick." - O5-█
Item #: SCP-####
Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All maintenance and janitorial personnel employed at ██████ ████ ████ ██████ are to be D-Class personnel with nonviolent backgrounds. At least one researcher or research assistant must be monitoring the facility's security cameras at all times, as well as frequency 1██.█ Hz. Janitorial staff is not to utilize ammonia solutions of higher than .76 M. D-Class are instructed to dilute any chemicals of higher concentration prior to use. Maintenance staff are never to attempt maintenance of pipes outside room C102. A listening device above C102 is to be regularly checked for malfunction. Due to an incident at Site ██, no listening devices should be placed in room C102 (see Addendum 02).
Elevated caution is to be taken in the event that SCP-####-1 is to cease, and all Foundation personnel are to sound off position on frequency 1██.█ Hz and report anomalous events consistent with SCP-####.
In case of [DATA EXPUNGED] clean-up crews are to remove all traces of victims. Class A amnesiacs are to be administered to all witnesses, including D personnel. Missing persons reports are to be canceled by Foundation liason ██████ ███.
Description: SCP-#### is an entity located at the administrative building for School District ███. Appearance of the entity has varied greatly from each event, however, it has consistently been without irises, pupils appearing dilated and slightly red in color. Circumstances for its manifestation, as well as its motivations, are unknown.
Upon its emergence, SCP-####-1 will cease. SCP-####-1 is a loud whirring noise identical to that of an air conditioner. In the event of a power outage, the whirring will often continue. SCP-####-1 is generated outside of room C102, in the ceiling. Maintenance of the ceiling beyond changing of its tiles will cause SCP-#### to appear within 100 meters of the room and [DATA EXPUNGED].
SCP-#### was discovered upon the death of ████ ██████ on 6-15-20██. Much of the maintenance staff, fully aware of the entity, were interviewed and given Class A amnesiacs after a sufficient containment procedure was determined. Full containment was established five days later. It has emerged ███ times under Foundation control, resulting in ██ deaths since containment procedures have begun.
Addendum ####-01: The following is a log of an early encounter of SCP-#### with Foundation personnel, as recorded by the camera outside room C102 and the listening device located there to monitor SCP-####-1.
- 8:23 PM: D-8042 is in frame, vacuuming the hallway.
- 8:27 PM: SCP-####-1 ceases. D-8042 does not notice over the vacuum.
- 8:34 PM: SCP-#### approaches the window next to D-8042. It has taken the form of an Asiatic male approximately eight years of age, dressed in a hospital gown.
- 8:36 PM: D-8042 shuts off the vacuum. SCP-####'s eyes have begun to produce a pitch-like substance. After approximately thirty seconds, D-8042 looks up at the ceiling, then talks into his radio. Return chatter is heard.
- 8:38 PM: D-8042 looks at SCP-####, then slowly backs into the wall opposite the window. D-8042 slides down the wall and curls into the fetal position.
- 8:39 PM: SCP-#### moves off-camera.
- 8:40 PM: SCP-####-1 resumes.
- 8:43 PM: D-6522 enters the area and attempts to rouse D-8042, who remains still. He looks to the ceiling and speaks into his radio.
D-8042 later reported seeing his name being written in blood by the entity. He became hysterical upon further questioning, attempted escape, and was subsequently terminated.
Addendum-####-02: On ██/██/████ Junior Researcher ███████ was discovered dead at Security Station Phi in Site ██. Security footage of his station showed a teenage girl in pajamas enter and put her hand on his shoulder. They appeared to exit the station, at which time the camera only produced static. Footage outside the room show the door had not opened since ███████'s shift had begun. Security entered the room shortly afterward and found ███████ lying on the floor, mouth full of solidified pitch.
During replacement of the camera, it was discovered that ███████ had opened a text file.
Begin File
At 302 hours, something started whispering through the listening device
"Why do you resist?"
"We know what happened"
"Give up."
"You're alone."
"This is wrong."
"join us."
"you won't ever feel sad again"
"she's here"
"you can see her again"
"dont cry"
"you can see her again"
"wouldnt you like that"
"come with us"
i'm free
End File
Corresponding audio files have revealed the cessation of SCP-####-1 from 302 hours to about 309 hours. Background checks revealed ███████'s involvement with a woman who had died when they were both teenagers. ███████'s autopsy revealed the presence of approximately █ L of pitch in his lungs. Use of a listening device has since been deemed an unnecessary hazard by O5-█.
Item #: SCP-####
Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-#### is to be contained in a two-room cell, one bathroom and one bedroom, with non-electronic furnishings and buffered from main hallways with at least one containment lock. All electronics must be relinquished to security prior to entry. Researchers with pacemakers are not to be granted entrance under any circumstances (See Incident ####-A). SCP-#### is allowed an oil lamp; refills are to be provided on an as-needed basis. She is to be provided with cell phones acquired from recycling programs four times per day as scheduled by Dr. ██████. Dr. ██████ is permitted access throughout the day. In the event of SCP-#### becoming distressed, he is to be called in immediately. No more than two guests are allowed unless Dr. ██████ gives approval and is with the subject.
In the event of a containment breach, personnel are to utilize all non-lethal means necessary to bring the subject back into containment. Should subject attempt to kill members of the task force, the subject is to be eliminated and returned for complete dissection.
Description: SCP-#### is a woman, Rohini ███████, of Dutch and Namibian descent. She is approximately five feet, eight inches tall and has no secondary sex characteristics. She speaks some English, but is proficient in Dutch and Afrikaans. Outwardly, she shows no anomalous traits.
SCP-####, however, cannot subsist on normal food. She requires a stable diet of electronic devices daily, her body able to process the materials for sustenance. Saliva and stomach acid are completely dissimilar to the norm, being made up of primarily [DATA EXPUNGED]. Teeth are able to chew through metals easily; mouth is calloused to allow for the materials to not cause harm.
Furthermore, SCP-#### claims to be and has records to prove she is thirty-six (36) years of age. All such records have been seized by the Foundation. All known relatives of SCP-#### are deceased.
SCP-#### was discovered in [REDACTED], having been arrested for theft of several hundred dollars worth of electronics. None of the electronics were ever recovered. During her imprisonment and suffering malnourishment, she stole a radio from a guard and consumed it immediately. Agent ████ was there to witness this and reported the subject to Site-██. Subject was acquired shortly thereafter.
Addendum ####-1: SCP-#### is to be allowed free access to Site-██.
Addendum ####-2: Following Incident ####-A, SCP-#### is to be held in a standard humanoid containment cell pending medical reports on Dr. R██████. Subject's movement privileges are hereafter revoked.
Addendum ####-3: At 0127 hours, Dr. R██████ expired. Containment procedures updated to disallow pacemaker users from contact with the subject. Subject is to be returned to her normal cell. Subject's meals are to be increased in frequency to avoid further incidents.
Addendum ####-4: Dr. ██████ has requested the return of subject's movement privileges. Decision is pending approval from O5.
Item #: SCP-####
Class: Euclid
Secure Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel are to keep close watch on streets surrounding [REDACTED] on days in which precipitation is expected. Any potential victims are to be intercepted by plainclothes agents. Discovery of any bodies conforming to current observations of SCP-####'s victims are to be handled directly by Mobile Task Force Kappa-02.
Description: SCP-#### is an entity that appears during rainstorms and similar events at [REDACTED]. SCP-#### appears to be a man about six feet tall, wearing a longcoat, suit, and tie, and carries an umbrella that obscures his head entirely.
SCP-#### will steal your babies right from school.
fucking writer's block.
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Item #: SCP-XXXX
Item Class: Safe
Secure Containment Procedures: All found subjects are to be moved to Area-643 to be integrated into the rest of the established social order. The subjects are to be given gardening supplies on a weekly basis.
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Item Class: Safe
Secure Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be held in a titanium-reinforced cargo container with an electronic combination lock at Storage Site-42. Access to SCP-XXXX is restricted to those with Level 3 or higher clearance, and only with the direct authorization of an O5.
Security Amendment: As of █/██/████, any use of the object requires use of zero similes to fictional locations, no matter how safe a researcher deems them to be. Those in violation of this rule will be stricken of clearance and sent to the affected location until its effects can be determined. Senior Staff are permitted to reinstate clearance to personnel, excepting that if a Senior Staff member is in violation, a member of the O5 will review the case. (See Incident-XXXX-█/██/████)
Description: SCP-XXXX is a metallic table with a holographic interface on the top. Production of this holographic interface is, as of yet, beyond the technological capacities of Foundation scientists, however, it has been determined that its circuitry and display mechanism are made up of primarily [DATA EXPUNGED].
When powered on, the object will display a random building. Vocal commands can be used to change the location through use of street names (e.g., 1213 North Street) or relative distance from the selected location (e.g., two houses down from here, one kilometer east of this building).
The object's abnormality stems from its ability to edit locations. Users may vocally request specified increases to a room's dimensions (e.g., increase the east-west length of the room by two meters) or request new rooms entirely. Upon requesting the computer save the data, the requested building will change its dimensions according to the edits made. Any changes will go unnoticed by occupants unless they are specifically pointed out.
The object, however, produces abnormal behaviors when asked for additions through use of simile to fictional locations. Dr. █████'s request for a home office like that detailed in ███ █████████ series of crime films resulted in a surge of mafia activity, leading back to his house. As in the films, Dr. █████ was gunned down, and a series of other murders were traced to his son, who had inherited control of the mafia. While the incident became the subject of world news organizations, no similarity to the films were ever noted in any story (See Incident-XXXX-█/██/████ for further details).