Item #: SCP-XX1 (WIP)
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-XX1's tie with SCP-XX2, SCP-XX1 is to remain in a locked 20m by 20m room, with two guards posted outside the door. SCP-XX1 should be itself unlocked unless testing requires otherwise. Two motion sensor cameras are to be facing SCP-XX1 at all times. Should SCP-XX2 emerge from SCP-XX1, assigned personnel are to be notified immediately.
Object Description: SCP-XX1 appears to be an over-sized trunk of the 'steamer' variety. SCP-XX1 was made by SCP-XX2 before Event E0003765; "The Flicker", which may explain why it is tied to SCP-XX2. All the metal ware and handles come from ██████████ brand company. The metal pieces and the handles function as to be expected, and can be damaged. The wooden parts of the chest cannot be damaged however, due to the chests unnatural property of completely defying Isaac Newton's Third Law of Motion. Any force applied to the chest will be completely deflected with 100% efficiency, though the chest itself can be placed onto the ground as normal (but not on a side, on the lid, etc). This has led to a number of mishaps when researchers originally tried to pierce the inside of the chest with standard tools. Due to the possibility of injury, researchers are advised not to try to stand on or place objects into or onto the chest, nor to place the chest upside down or on one of the sides. SCP-XX2 does not appear to trigger this effect until at least one (1) minute has passed after spawning inside.
SCP-XX1 Experiment Log
NOTE: All testing done in a perfectly square testing room with padded walls in case of reflected objects gaining too much momentum. D-Class used for handling objects with researchers in a separate observation room.
Name: Dr. ████ ████████████
Date: ██/██/20██
Procedure: Drop item(s) two (2) meters above SCP, catch item(s) before they fall again.
Item: One (1) 260 g iron ball.
Reaction: Iron ball bounced off lid of SCP-XX1, nearly returning to the original starting position, caught by D-class.
Note: Everything happened as was to be expected.
Name: Dr. ████ ████████████
Date: ██/██/20██
Procedure: Drop item(s) two (2) meters above SCP, let item(s) bounce twice before being caught.
Item: One (1) 800 g iron ball.
Reaction: Iron ball bounced off lid of SCP-XX1, nearly returning to the starting position, fell and bounced up to the same ending position the first bounce achieved, promptly caught by attending D-class.
Note: Odd; it should have gone lower on the second bounce.
Name: Dr. ████ ████████████
Date: ██/██/20██
Procedure: Place item(s) inside chest, then rapidly lock the lid.
Item: One (1) 10 lb iron ball.
Reaction: Iron ball was heard to be striking the insides of the chest repeatedly, until SCP-XX2 spawned inside. SCP-XX2 proceeded to come under the same effects as the iron ball after one minute. Chest lock jammed for approximately 5 minutes, SCP-XX2 found dead with multiple limbs broken off.
Note: So very glad I looked away when they opened it back up, the clean-up crew isn't going to be very happy about this one.
Item #: SCP-XX5 (WIP)
Object Class: Safe/Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: As there is only one entryway into SCP-XX5, a simple outpost in the form of a ███████████ station has been placed between SCP-XX5 and the road leading to it and the nearby farm. Barbed wire fence surrounds the entirety of the field, which serves as enough of a deterrent. No less then five (5) stationed guards are to be posted, with regular shift cycles. Any individual who attempts entry is to be dealt with via non-lethal means, unless otherwise noted.
Object Description: SCP-XX5 is a nearly flat wheat field beside a small farmstead located outside █████, Kansas. The properties of SCP-XX5 do not manifest unless an individual enters via the dirt road going north. Any vehicles besides the five "4 wheelers" found on-site (herein referred to as SCV-1 through 5) that attempt entryway will not experience the phenomenon, as will any passengers. Planes are not affected as well. SCV1-5 were found in various locations around the area after SCP-XX5s' acquisition. SCV1-4 have been re-purposed for use in aiding exploration of SCP-XX5, SCV-5 has not been able to be made functional and is in a state of disrepair.
Any person who walks northward through the road that leads into the wheat field will find that the wheat field continues on in all directions except southward seemingly indefinitely, stretching into a vast infinite plain of wheat. From exploration attempts thus far it has been concluded that it does not go on forever and at one point changes, but does stretch farther then the plot of land normally would provide. Any individual (or vehicle) that turns around or looks back for longer than roughly 1.5 seconds will however find themselves back at the road leading into SCP-XX5. So long as a person looks ahead and continues forward, SCP-XX5 can be explored (Refer to exploration log BLAHBLAHNUMBERNUMBER further). There is some discrepancy on what defines "forward" however, as individuals can still look into the air, at the ground, and from side to side.
SCP-XX5-2 are entities that begin appearing roughly two (2) hours of travel into SCP-XX5. SCP-XX5-2 manifest as general scarecrows, and for at least three (3) hours in, are for all intensive purposes just that (though crows have never been seen in the skies above SCP-XX5 or in the surrounding area, dead crows have been found at the feet of SCP-XX5-2 on occasion). Once anyone has traveled around four (4) hours in, SCP-XX5-2 will begin having animate properties and attempt to turn around individuals, at first via non-violent means (such as scaring or making noises in the distance behind traveling persons), to more aggressive means (such as grabbing personnel and forcing them to turn around, or by tripping), and during the farthest journey in to date, via violent means (mob-attacking individuals farthest from the group, or even diving at the wheels of SCVs to make them flip over). They will also begin appearing in greater numbers, with the highest number being estimated at around several hundred.