Item #: SCP-1026
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Storage of SCP-1026-2 inside SCP-1026-1 must be observed to maintain SCP-1026 in an inactive state. In active state SCP-1026-2 is to be kept in a 10x10x10m cell.
Description: SCP-1026-1 is a brown cardboard box approximately 30x30x15cm in size, and marked with the text 'Have fun' printed in what appears to be orange crayon [exact material unknown]. In it's active stage SCP-1026-1 displays the ability to allow the subject to draw from it any object. There seems to be no limit on SCP-1026-1's ability to produce objects, even objects much larger than SCP-1026-1 are easily extracted from it. However only the subject is able to activate this ability, and only with the intention of use the drawn object(s) to directly effect SCP-1026-2.
The activation process is initiated when SCP-1026-2 is removed from SCP-1026-1. SCP-1026-2 momentarily resembles a doll crudely made from an aged canvas-like material. Within thirty(30) seconds of withdrawal SCP-1026-2 will change form. SCP-1026-2's assumed form varies based on the activator (hereafter referred to as the subject), but is often a human, or humanoid creature depicting the sexual ideal of the subject. Once fully transformed SCP-1027 will begin to behave in a manner the subject often describes as their 'ideal romantic partner'
Initially both the subject and SCP-1026-2 will exhibit a strong mutual attraction. During this time the subject will use intuitive knowledge of SCP-1026-1's workings to provide SCP-1026-2 with gifts. Other courting behaviors can also be observed, but vary depending on the subject. After approximately three months elapse the subject will begin to report feelings of clinical depression, and anxiety when separated from SCP-1026-2. At six months the subject may be prone to violent protest when attempts at separating from SCP-1026-2 are made, or even suggested. During this time period SCP-1026-2 often shows no noticeable changes in behavior, but occasionally expresses concern at subject's behavior. Nine months after activation subject will begin to report returning feelings of depression and anxiety, even in the presences of SCP-1026-2. From this point interviews with the subject indicate a gradually growing feeling of resentment towards SCP-1026-2, while paradoxically still asserting a need to be in SCP-1026-2's presence. Exactly one year after the activation of SCP-1026 the subject will approach SCP-1026-2, and, utilizing SCP-1026-1, engage in the prolonged termination of SCP-1026-2.
Post termination SCP-1026-2 will return to SCP-1026-1 via teleportation. However a large portion of the remains are often left behind, as teleportation seems to effect the gray matter of SCP-1026-2 only. Long term affects on the subject vary from case to case, indicating that any anomalous effect from SCP-1026 on the subject end upon termination of SCP-1026-2. It should be noted, however, that often subjects require strenuous psychiatric attention, and tend to exhibit sociopathic tendencies post interaction with SCP-1026.
Interviewed: SCP-1026-2, Instance: “Lucy” as activated by ██████ ████████
Interviewer: ██████ ████████
Foreword: Initial interview of Experiment-1026-A9. Recorded post 1 day post activation. SCP-1026-2, Instance: "Lucy" was activated during recovery by ██████ ████████, an initial recovery agent of Class 2 clearance level. Instance: "Lucy" took the form of a human Caucasian female in early adulthood (possibly 16-20) of light build (fully description in Experiment Log A9). Exact nature of SCP-1026 was unknown at this point, ██████ ████████ not yet labeled as a subject.
<Begin Log>
██████ ████████: So, I've been told to ask you a few questions for the record. Please be as co-operative as possible.
SCP-1026-2: Yes, ██████. [SCP-1026-2 is distraught, visbly crying. Recovery Report indicates source of distress is unknown, and occurred shortly after activation]
██████ ████████:Alright then. First, could you tell me your name?
SCP-1026-2: I think it's Lucy.
██████ ████████:Lucy, do you remember anything prior to your detention here?
SCP-1026-2:It was dark, and I felt, I don't know, kind of numb, I guess? Nothing else. I don't know what's going on.
██████ ████████:Do you recall anyone named John ████?[John ████ was found in possession of SCP-1026, prior to recovery]
SCP-1026:No, sorry.
██████ ████████:Don't worry about it. I know this all must be terrifying for you. [██████ ████████ moved beside SCP-1026-2 in attempt to provide comfort] Can you tell me what you know about yourself?
SCP-1026-2:Um, my name is Lucy. I think that I'm really sick somehow, but I don't remember. I guess I feel weak?[██████ ████████ later said that he found SCP-1026-2's helpless endearing, implying this 'illness' was constructed through SCP-1026's abilities]
██████ ████████:
██████ ████████:
██████ ████████:
<End Log, [optional time info]>
Closing Statement: [Small passage on what transpired afterward, or what happened to the person being
Interviewed: SCP-1026-2, Instance: “Lucy” as activated by ██████ ████████
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Foreword: Initial interview of Experiment-1026-C4. Recorded post 364 day post activation.
<Begin Log, [optional time info]>
Interviewer: [speech]
Person: [speech]
[Repeat as necessary]
<End Log, [optional time info]>
Closing Statement: [Small passage on what transpired afterward, or what happened to the person being
Interviewed: ███████ ████████
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Foreword: Interview of of Experiment-1026-C4. Recorded 368 day post-activation (day 1 post termination)
<Begin Log, [optional time info]>
Interviewer: [speech]
Person: [speech]
[Repeat as necessary]
<End Log, [optional time info]>
Closing Statement: [Small passage on what transpired afterward, or what happened to the person being