Picture of SCP-XXXX |
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX should be kept in a secure storage locker in Sector-28. Access should restricted to Level 2 personnel assigned to SCP-XXXX's weekly visual verification, to ensure the object is not exhibiting any unknown effects. For use in research, contact Dr. Woot to obtain access to the object. Research with SCP-XXXX is temporarily prohibited unless given written permission from a Overseer.
Description: SCP-XXXX was discovered when a local newspaper in ██████, North Carolina published an article describing a pencil with paranormal properties in possession of a student at ████████████████ University. A Foundation agent was sent to investigate. Upon confirming the unusual properties of SCP-XXXX, the agent posed as an exorcist who wanted to remove the paranormal entity from the object. By swapping the object with a common no. two pencil, the agent was able to convince the locals that he had expelled an entity from the object.
SCP-XXXX resembles a common writing utensil, a no. two pencil, measuring approximately 19 centimeters in length and 1.6 centimeters in diameter. Lab testing has confirmed that the object contains the same material found in a typical no. 2 pencil, however SCP-XXXX contains a much larger percentage of ████████ making its physical attributes slightly unique.
The anomalous properties of the object become apparent when a person attempts to write with the utensil. For unknown reasons the person is unable to write in lowercase letters or cursive but prints in all uppercase. If a person attempts multiple times to write a sentence correctly it results in physical exhaustion and varying damage to Broca's area and the motor cortex. In one circumstance, SCP-XXXX manipulated its [REDACTED] (See Addendum XXXX-C).
SCP-XXXX also seems to attract other people into using the object, although this effect is not certain nor fully understood (See Addendum XXXX-B).
Addendum XXXX-A:
Transcript of Experiment XXXX-01
Subject is right-handed
Dr. Woot: Please approach the object and describe to me what you see.
Subject D-1864: You mean the pencil and paper on the table?
Dr. Woot: Just focus on the writing utensil, and next time pay attention during the briefing.
Subject D-1864: Whatever you say doc. And for your information it looks like a number two pencil, although I don't see a label.
Dr. Woot: Good. Now pick up the utensil in your right hand and write out the sentence we discussed earlier.
Subject begins to write on the paper provided but clearly is printing in capital letters
Subject D-1864: Done.
Dr. Woot: Why did you print the sentence completely in uppercase characters?
The test subject realizes his mistake and begins to scratch his head
Subject D-1864: The hell? I could have swore I… Hold on a sec.
For the second time the subject begins to write the test sentence but continues to print in large capital letters. He realizes his mistake again halfway through the sentence and starts over, now appearing agitated. He then repeats this process four more times.
Dr. Woot: That's quite enough.
Subject D-1864: What is wrong with me! Why can't a write a simple sentence?
Dr. Woot: The experiment is over Subject D-1864, its time for debriefing.
Subject exits the test chamber appearing very agitated and confused
Transcript of Experiment XXXX-05
Subject was left handed
This experiment was not authorized
Dr. Woot: Agent ██████ get away from SCP-XXXX! This is in violation of experiment protocol!
Agent ██████: This is a joke right? An SCP that forces you to print in all capital letters? It shouldn't even be here!
Agent begins to attempt to write his name using SCP-XXXX in lowercase letters
Dr. Woot: This is not authorized stop writing! SCP-XXXX is potentially dangerous, its effects are not fully understood!
Agent ██████: Shut up and let me focus! All it does prevent you from writing in cursive or lowercase letters right? Well you and your subjects don't get to have all the fun, I think I can beat this thing.
Dr. Woot: I'm calling security, you can't just disrupt experiment protocol, no matter what the object's effects are.
Agent ██████: I almost got it!
Dr. Woot: Christ! Just stop writing! What is wrong with you Agent ██████? You could be terminated for this!
Agent ██████ is on his 18th try, showing no apparent adverse effects from exposure to the object. SCP-XXXX then begins to [REDACTED]
Dr. Woot: Holy shit! Get a containment team in here now!
Summary of Experimental Logs
Experiment XXXX-01
Subject: D-1864
Describe SCP-XXXX and write the sentence [REDACTED].
Subject failed to produce the desired test result and instead printed the test sentence in all capital letters. Afterwards the subject reported moderate agitation and a minor headache.
Researcher Notes:
Effect apparently causes the user to print in capitals. I must test the effects on cursive writing.
Experiment XXXX-02
Subject: D-1942
Print name in lowercase cursive letters.
After eight failed attempts the subject stopped attempting the task and fell to the floor in an unconscious state. The subject recovered completely five minutes later. Post-psychological evaluation reveals that subject is functioning at baseline cognitive levels but was under extreme stress during the experiment.
Researcher Notes:
This is an interesting effect, possibly psychologically harmful. More research is needed to determine if cursive was the cause of this moderate reaction.
Experiment XXXX-03
Subject: D-2052
Print name in uppercase letters.
Subject completes the task quickly without error. The subjects handwriting appears to be identical to other subjects who were under the effects of SCP-XXXX.
Researcher Notes:
Identical penmanship between subjects could indicate a ███████ effect.
Experiment XXXX-04
Subject: D-2802
Print name in lowercase letters. Failure to do so will result in the subject's termination.
The subject attempted to write her name 12 consecutive times before collapsing into a catatonic state. A health examination reveals severe damage to Broca's area and the motor cortex. The subject is not expected to recover.
Researcher Notes:
It appears that SCP-XXXX takes control of the user's Broca's area and motor cortex to create the anomalous effect.
Experiment XXXX-05
Subject: Agent ██████
Attempted to write his name in lowercase cursive letters.
Agent ██████ wrote his name 18 times in uppercase printed letters refusing to stop. On the last attempt (18th) SCP-XXXX reacted violently by [REDACTED]. Agent ██████ showed no signs of mental relapse prior to SCP-XXXX's intervention.
Researcher Notes:
The object appears to attract certain people to it. I'm not sure if this effect is based on proximity but unfortunately this might be the last experiment I get to complete on SCP-XXXX. I do however believe that the containment procedures for SCP-XXXX are still effective for the time being. Why did this have to happen right when I was getting on to something!
Document XXXX-01:
Due to the results from the last experiment conducted on SCP-XXXX, I am suspending all research with the object for the time being. SCP-XXXX is to remain contained unless written permission from a overseer is granted. I am also implementing a weekly checkup on the object in the Special Containment Procedures to ensure it does not start emitting a unknown effect. - O5-█
No Side Projects At The Time
Item #: SCP-1154
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1154 should be stored in a high security storage locker onsite in Sector-██ and labeled as a random SCP according to ██████████'s instructions. The storage locker should be monitored by at least two security cameras at all times and one level 3 security guard. Access to SCP-1154 and the knowledge of its location is restricted to level five personal.
Description: SCP-1154 resembles a standard whiteboard marker, the brand of which is dependent on the viewer. It is almost indistinguishable from a brand name whiteboard marker except that tip contains no ink. SCP-1154 has a cap covering the marker to prevent accidental use.
SCP-1154 is capable of transforming a living organism's mass into energy. When the marker tip (SCP-1154-A) touches any biological/living object (SCP-1154-B), the object's matter is converted into energy and transferred immediately inside of SCP-1154-A. This effect will occur multiple times if SCP-1154-B is in contact with other living matter besides itself. It is important to note that touching any other part of SCP-1154 to SCP-1154-B does not result in this action.
So far, testing has shown no limit to the amount of energy SCP-1154 can store.
When the cap of the marker (SCP-1154-C) is placed on top of SCP-1154-A and secured, SCP-1154 will be ready to fire. If SCP-1154-C (once secured) is pressed, then SCP-1154's will activate if the following conditions are met:
• There is energy stored in SCP-1154
• SCP-1154-C is securely placed on SCP-1154-A
• A living organism is pressing down on SCP-1154-C
Failure to meet all conditions yields no detectable results.
If these conditions are met then SCP-1154 will promptly fire, resulting in a bomb-like explosion of thermal energy. The blast of energy is proportionate to the amount captured in SCP-1154 before activation. The explosion occurs in a spherical radius from SCP-1154, with the radius directly related to the amount of energy released. The energy released instantly destroys all matter, living or inorganic, within the blast radius. However, the subject (organic matter) using SCP-1154 remains unharmed.
NOTE: The amount of energy generated during the firing stage of SCP-1154 seems to be an amplified amount of the original energy captured from SCP-1154-B. For example, one fully grown adult human male creates the same amount of energy through SCP-1154 as a [DATA EXPUNGED].
Dr. ████████ has inquired for an attempt to duplicate SCP-1154 for military use. His request is currently pending.
SCP-1154 was discovered when a local middle school in ███████, USA was destroyed in a large explosion on May 2nd, ████. Police could find no cause for the detonation and the only survivor was a 7th grade teacher, Ms. ██████ █████, who was completely unharmed. The only other surviving object was a whiteboard marker (SCP-1154). The mysterious circumstances of this event drew the attention of the Foundation and Agent John █████ was sent to investigate. After discovering the effects of SCP-1154, Agent █████ called in a transfer team to move the item safely to [DATA EXPUNGED]. All witnesses were terminated and a cover story was developed.