Notes on how Renfield works:
For if I ever want to write more
According to her Foundation employee file, Grace Renfield was hired out of college as a research assistant, and swiftly proved herself to be the best damn research assistant. She volunteered for an experimental cloning program proposed by the ethics committee in order to allow for expendable specialists- more capable than D class of performing professionally in the face of danger.
At any given time, there are sixty Renfield clones held in various stages of development in three different sites, and two mobile clone tanks per site for field re-deployment.
According to her contract, there is only ever one conscious Renfield at a time- foundation wide. When a clone is working at one site, the other two have to wait, even if they have a clone ready for activation. When one dies, a significant bonus is added to Renfield's payroll account and a different clone is activated, and a new one begins growing in the tank formerly occupied by the dead clone. Site transfer generally consists of someone shooting her in the head and a new clone being activated at the other site- bullets are cheaper than gas.
Each site hosting Renfield's clones maintains a "memorial" consisting of short obituaries of each dead clone, as well as a database containing more details. These exist because Renfield does not retain her memories after a clone dies. Each clone bears her memories as of the moment the cloning process was initiated. She knew that would happen when she signed up, and requested the memorial as a way of knowing how much time has passed and how much money she's making.
Renfield is generally considered to be absolutely loyal to the Foundation. If asked, she will explain that she knows they will always resurrect her, and that no one else can do that, so she's free to work for them fearlessly. Consequently, she does not ask questions of her superiors under any circumstances, even when instructed to do something obviously harmful to herself or others. It is entirely possible that she's an absolute sociopath as a result of her lifestyle.
According to her file, the original Grace Renfield was a transhumanist who believed that so long as there was only one of her at a time, the clones would have an identical consciousness with zero divergence; to her, this meant that every clone is not a clone, simply another instance of the original, more akin to teleportation- hence the one at a time rule. Her file states that the original Renfield was killed as an unavoidable side effect of the cloning process.
A persistent rumor in the Foundation claims that Renfield's file is misinformation, and that she is in fact a female clone of O5-8, or completely artificial, with her name being short for *Ren*ewable *field* researcher.
Renfield's contract is renewed yearly. At each renewal period, the current Renfield is given an undefined amount of time not to exceed a week to review the database of her experiences and decide whether to continue her employment, return to normal employment, or retire. If she elects retirement or a return to standard Foundation employment, all inactive clones will be destroyed, and the current Renfield will not have any expectation of resurrection upon death. At present, despite her payroll account consisting of some ludicrous sum of money, Renfield has not opted to end her contract- possibly because she is afraid of losing the semi-immortality it offers her.
Her appearance is based on a photograph of Twiggy:
Her clothing consists of white pants, a black shirt, a zippered lab coat with a high collar, white leather combat boots, and a pair of glasses with one lens squared off and equipped with a toggle to increase magnification. When deployed in the field, she may also be equipped with a clear plastic raincoat. She has the ability to requisition survival gear for more extreme climates if necessary.
Renfield clones have dietary and medical requirements just like everyone else. Her favorite food is strawberry parfait, and her favorite drink is watermelon tea.
If a clone lives long enough to complete a work day, her room will be provided with a cot for sleeping, and she is entitled to use the same relaxation facilities as other site personnel.
The longest time a Renfield clone has survived is 33 days.
She claims to have no regrets.
Let me tell you a story.
A rich man once went to visit the home of a poor relative who lived in a ghetto. He wore his best suit, because when you make a social call, it's polite to dress up, right? As he was walking to the house, he was attacked and robbed, because he looked like he had money.
The next time he visited, he also wore his best suit, but this time he rubbed mud into the lapels and tore a seam so it looked a bit rougher. To his surprise, he was mugged again, because even though he looked a bit worse for wear he still looked better off than everyone else.
Trying to disguise something extraordinary by making it superficially ugly just doesn't work. Frankly, it's appallingly poor writing technique. If you write a character with a magic power, no matter how fat you make them they're still a magical person.
tonk and revelstoke's
Serial Killer's Song
I saw a girl who was a friend of mine
she had a cold blank stare
bleach blond hair untied
and her name didn't come to mind
but she had one black eye
I don't know why, but I
She'll be fine
and I
We'll be fine
Now every night feels just the same to me
I stare my misery
out into my TV
and it pays me back in fickle light
it isn't very bright
but I guess that's alright
still got mine
and I
I'll be fine
This place just feels unsafe and I'm not sure
but if I lock the door
no one can visit me anymore
if I remember what I'm living for
will I be more secure
or simply worry more
well, that's life
and I
that's alright
The wilted flowers on my windowsill
move in the evening chill
as I watch the cold light kill
a simple moth and as I watch it burn
I wonder if it hates
the way the tides have turned
thought that light
was there
make things right
and I
I'll be fine
and I
I'll be fine
We were in a machine room in the middle of a forest, and an old phone was on the table, and when I picked it up I heard soft static and distant laughter. You told me that when people built the forest the birds knew it wasn't real, and that they sang a certain song to keep the animals away, and you were listening for that song. Immediately, a bird called loudly and we both vanished, leaving the empty room and an off-the-hook phone that emitted the sound of gently running water.
pooryoric once upon two times there was a bold young man with an odd machine
22:04 pooryoric sir theopolis foebold had spent years creating a device of great craft and displayed it to the public among much bewonderment and talk of magic.
22:05 pooryoric it allowed him, or so he claimed, to reach his arm to the elbow into another time and fetch forth artifacts and items of interest from long hence.
22:06 pooryoric one midsummere evening, as he displayed the device to a gathering of interested young women in the parlour of lady cynthia haversham's villa, he gave a great cry and fell headlong, leaving the device, and his arm within it, standing upon the parque floor.
22:07 cracky :O
22:08 pooryoric it was believed that his limb had become entrapped within the clockwork interspacing the workings of his device, and had been thus rent from him. however, a dissasembly of the machine revealed no such fraction of his person withing it.
22:09 pooryoric most curious of all was the reaction of the young sir foebold, who refused to allow a physician to attend to the stump, crying "figh! figh! it is not rent, good doctor, so long as it is not forgotten!"
22:11 cracky curious
22:11 cracky shreds candy wrappers
22:11 pooryoric years later, when the unfortunate sir foebold had lived the length of a life filled with adventure and happenings of much curiosity, his disability hindering him not but merely adding to the interest of his person, he developed that sad malady of the aged, that is, the loss of many of the facilities of his mind.
22:14 pooryoric one morning, as his nurse was accompanying him in a walk around the promenade on shilling street, he loosed a forlorn cry, and a great gout of blood emanated from his tied off sleeve. he did bleed out thence, before a physician could arrive. his last words, according to the unfortunate nurse, were "I… have forgotten! alas!"
22:16 pooryoric this strange end to a strange life was reported upon in many newspapers of note, and was the talk of society for a time, then faded to obscurity. however, recently, workmen repairing a culvert near the old foundries in blackwood street recently discovered an artifact most odd
22:17 pooryoric the skeleton-bones of a human arm, grown dusted with age and estimated to have lain in the spot for nearly three hundred years, caught by the sleeve in a nook of an ancient wall…
22:17 pooryoric wearing sir foebold's ring.
22:17 pooryoric THE END
I close my eyes and feel the world
Thousands of metaphorical doors opening up around me, all leading to
are all so strangely beautiful in their own strange sunken way, as they
glory and silence but still I wish
what was happening to me and could find some sense of scale. I've forgotten
pooryoric mrunimport, this may be cruel, but I just want you to know
22:34 MrUnimport :|
22:34 pooryoric if I were your parent, I would be dissapointed
22:35 MrUnimport D:
22:35 pooryoric by your compliance
22:35 MrUnimport Sure, some may call me a collaborator.
22:35 MrUnimport But can't you see our FUTURE is at stake?
22:35 MrUnimport What's the point of empty defiance?
22:36 pooryoric those are such great lyrics I'm tempted to forgive you
On long days on
with no demands
I suffer by my idle hands;
a subtle shift suffuses me-
I change, transfixed by ennui
to some sick form uncanny, then
I let the devil's work begin.
first shed the skin
then shed the soul
(a simple enough ritual!)
to slate my thirst I take the bowl
that overflows yet isn't full
and relish every poisoned sip
until it shatters in my grip.
and even now in death, I lie
The way to Live is not to die.
It's been three days since Sean decided to stop coming up for air in the green brown swimming hole in the deep side of Sim's river dam. It feels so unreal. Tonight is the first friday since they pulled my oldest friend dripping and limp from the shadowed water, his hand trailing a stream of ripples as they dragged him ashore. I can't get the image out of my head.
Rebecca is crying in the other room. She thinks it's our fault.
The way the draggonflies kept humming, unconcerned as sean sank below the surface… How he had to try three times before he managed not to bob back up, gasping and angry with himself. The way a bird cawed harshly as it flew overhead and dropped a feather in the water, and how the ripples mingled with the final stream of bubbles as he decided to just inhale. It's all playing in my head, over and over again.
He knew I was watching, I think. He liked it.
Rebecca stares at me when she thinks I can't see her. She's angry. I can understand that… She still believes that it was some sort of accident. She thinks he didn't know what he was doing, that we should have done something to help. Poor girl.
He knew what he was doing. He wanted it. Each time the water closed over his head, he felt a relief like one he'd never known before in his life. Even when they pulled his cold wet beautiful body from the water, he was smiling.
Oh the things I wish I could tell Rebecca!
She hates me now. She blames me. I can tell. But I'm a good friend. I'll help her see the truth. Sean was always the smart one… We've always followed in his footsteps. Why stop now?
Personal History
18:41 Dr_Teeth Seriously. I am totally willing to stop this. I really just want to know what part of what I said in the first post set you off.
18:42 Dr_Teeth You seem to be intentionally misinterpreting what I was getting at.
18:42 Dr_Teeth You even agreed with me, then the personal attacks started.
18:43 pooryoric showing up to gripe a year late is both unnecissary and pointless. if you dislike an SCP, let your vote reflect your opinions, and do not waste discussion space with whining.
18:43 pooryoric you'll live, I promise.
18:44 Dr_Teeth Just calm down. No need to be a tool.
18:44 pooryoric precisely, teeth.
18:47 Dr_Teeth Calm down.
18:48 pooryoric teeth, I am supremely unconcerned. now, is there something I can help you with, or are you just offended?"
18:52 Dr_Teeth In the spirit of really trying to stop a pointless feud, I'll ask one last time. We both said it was silly and should be a joke. I simply expressed personal disappointment that it took the 999 spot. You seem to think I was whining that mine got taken down. This is not the case. So why the hate?
18:52 Dr_Teeth Mine was taken down long before the new one went up, so there is no connection.
18:53 pooryoric teeth, I don't hate you. I have no opinion on you at all. other than the fact that you're whining at me, you don't register a blip on my attention. if you don't need help with anything, why are you complaining?
18:54 Dr_Teeth Alright. Attempt made. Go fuck yourself.
18:56 pooryoric have a happy, teeth. shuld you feel the need to complain to an administrator, I suggest you start with bright, as he's my direct supervisor.
18:57 pooryoric good luck!
19:01 Dr_Teeth Calm down.
19:01 pooryoric *should
19:05 pooryoric here. have a song to relax you a bit. [Show YouTube video (]
19:11 Dr_Teeth Are you still here? Calm down, dude.
19:12 pooryoric I think you may be projecting. but I assure you, you will be fine.
19:12 pooryoric did you like the song?
19:12 Dr_Teeth Boy you really need to get a life.
19:13 pooryoric the video is particularly interesting, I think. rube goldberg machines are fun.
19:14 Dr_Teeth Calm down.
19:15 pooryoric what, you don't like Ok Go?
19:15 pooryoric try this, then. no video, but it's groovy in a eep house kinda way: [Show YouTube video (]
19:15 pooryoric *deep
19:16 pooryoric I gotta say, though, the part in the video where they get shot with a paint canon looks fun.
23:51 pooryoric We
were already running by the time we heard the helicopters. Hand in hand
we fled, still slicked with the scent of sweat and sex, splashing
through puddles of still falling rain. Escaping. She saw them coming,
you see, just like she always did.
23:51 Malign I wish Timesplitters 4 was out.
23:51 BlackWing It never will be
23:52 BlackWing TS3 was the last game
23:52 Malign Is that what they told you?
23:52 BlackWing It's what I thought I heard
23:53 Malign Crytek UK (Free Radical) just put it on hold for a bit. I guess they were working on something else.
23:54 pooryoric High
above and behind us, I could feel the frustration of a Foundation agent
in his harness, waiting to Get off this damn bird and bag those skips. I
smiled and kept running. On either side of us, streetlights were going
out as Foundation agents cut power to the street to hide their arrival.
Too late; she saw them coming.
23:54 Malign But with each passing day, the likelyhood of TS4 happening increases.
23:54 * A_Fat_Ghost quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.8/20100722150226])
23:54 Malign Yoric, you aren't about to kill innocent women and children, are you?
23:55 pooryoric A
crash behind us. I grinned as I felt the surprise of a neighbor at the
sound of someone breaking into our flat. We're already gone, you
bastards! free again. Beside me, she started to slow down. I looked at
her curiously. She saw it coming.
23:56 * LastSatellite quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
23:57 pooryoric She
whimpered. I tugged on her wrist and ran faster as a man in a black
uniform kicked his way out the front door of what was once my home and
aimed a gun at her back. Not Foundation. GOC. She saw it coming.
23:57 * Nioki joined #site19
23:59 JonstaBarnes Malign: Not kill them, just hurt their wrist a bit.
23:59 pooryoric The
gunshot that killed my wife was the loudest sound I had ever heard. I
felt the satisfaction flash bloodbright across the mind of the GOC
trooper as he pulled the trigger, the relief as he watched her fall. She
looked up at me and smiled. She saw it coming.
23:59 duncreek harsh
00:00 duncreek but good
00:00 pooryoric "Go." she muttered, and closed her eyes. A raindrop splashed her cheek, mingling with tears. I ran.
00:00 BlackWing later guys
00:00 pooryoric She saw it coming.
00:00 Trace and you couldn't pastebin this why?
00:00 * BlackWing quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
00:00 pooryoric because your mother never loved you, trace
00:00 Trace tell me something I don't know
00:00 pooryoric and your father only loved your sweet, sweet asshole
00:00 Malign Yoric, you forgot to pimpsmack him when you said that.