Item #: SCP-1884
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1884 is to be contained within an enclosure separate from any containment sites. At least 200 kg of non-organic matter is to be shipped into SCP-1884's enclosure daily.
Description: SCP-1884 is a small icosahedron of an undetermined but quite dense (72 g/cm³) quartz-like crystal, 7 cm tall, transfixed by metal pegs at irregular intervals.
SCP-1884 is typically not active unless placed within 600 meters of an enclosed or mostly enclosed structure (such as a building), when it will spontaneously displace itself into the structure. When active, non-living objects within the same structure vanish at random intervals: the rate varies with the number and size of objects, but averages at 10 kg per hour. No object removed by SCP-1884 has ever been recovered.
Once all objects within the building disappear, doors and dividing walls are removed, and finally the building's internal dimensions start contracting. The effect concludes with the entire structure vanishing except for SCP-1884, which can be found near the center of the former structure.
Notes on recovery: SCP-1884 was recovered near the center of the Tanezrouft area of the Sahara desert, following the decoding of the [REDACTED] documents and Tuareg lore.
Item #: SCP-884
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Personnel handling quarantine victims of SCP-884 must be administered memetic counteragents, use visual protection and be triaged weekly for symptoms. All video evidence of SCP-884 must be kept offline. Viewing and copying the evidence are only to be done with authorization.
To contain outbreaks of SCP-884, refer to the Treatment section below.
Description: SCP-884 is a psychological/memetical contagious disorder that affects unconscious mental processes. Initial symptoms are an increased propensity to sleepwalking/sleeptalking, loss of manual dexterity (held objects slip off patient’s hands) and motor tics. These tics appear to serve as a transmission vector: another person observing a SCP-884 victim, even through common broadcasting methods (analog or digital video) has a chance of contracting the disorder.
As the disease progresses, it affects more of the unconscious, and in a stronger basis. Sleepwalking cases become more frequent, and the actions enacted during sleepwalking are more complex and responsive to the environment. In this stage, patients also perform actions involuntary when awake but distracted; these actions cease as the patient pays conscious attention to the acts.
The actions performed vary from patient to patient. While most of the observed patients have no apparent pattern to their actions, about 30% act cogent to reported repressed desires, and a further 10% perform acts that have no relation to the patient’s concerns but are definitely structured to an unknown goal, involving objects and locations the subject does not commonly relate to during their conscious moments.
The disease runs its course in 9 to 12 weeks, at which point it either recedes or evolves to a final stage. At the disease’s final stage, the involuntary movements are directed to disabling or killing the patient.
Treatment: SCP-884 infections in initial stages respond positively to expositions of certain memetic counter-agents in audial or visual form: A sampling of these agents is in Document Annex 884B. These counteragents are to be liberally broadcast in infection areas, in order to control contagion. The efficacy of other treatments is detailed in the Experiment Logs.
Patients in later stages of the infection require [DATA EXPUNGED], which implies a quarantine of up to two weeks. All containment procedures must be observed during this time.
Experiment Log 884-1:
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Caucasian male, 35. Infection time estimated at 11 weeks. Subject requested psychological aid after discovering he was stacking a pile of stones in his backyard while sleepwalking. More stones discovered in car’s trunk - Subject does not recall placing stones there.
Procedure: Orthodox psychiatric treatment.
Results: While being consulted by researcher, subject takes hold of a nearby tool and buries it into his left eye, dying a few hours later.
Experiment Log 884-2:
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Hispanic-Caucasian female, 27. Infection time estimated at 7 weeks. Subject woke in own bed, both children in next bedroom found strangled. Fingerprints matched subject. Subject claims no memory of actions.
Procedure: Drug-aided hypnosis.
Results: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject claims to not recall events.
Experiment Log 884-3:
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Indian male, 55. Infection time estimated at 10 weeks. Subject has severe burns from crushing a paper cup of hot coffee against his face.
Procedure: Class █ Amnesiac administrated.
Results: Apparent immediate recovery: subject is released. Later rearrested after spree kill through ██████ Park, causing 5 deaths. Psychoanalysis confirms surfacing of psychopathic tendencies and [DATA EXPUNGED].
Item #: SCP-XXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is kept on a regular holding cell, with windows and apertures barred to deny escape attempts. Daily inspections should keep in mind SCP-XXX may hide on the ceiling, or behind furniture. SCP-XXX is only allowed piercing or cutting implements during its "hosting" period.
Pending full research and elimination, SCP-XXX is to be given a "host" from the expired D-Class population every 30 days - given the nature of SCP-XXX's hosting process, uncooperative D-Classes are preferred for this task.
Description: SCP-XXX appears to be the left half of a human that was bisected along the axis of symmetry. Scarring and unevenness of skin and muscle tissue at the cut suggest SCP was divided through some violent process, between ██ and ██ years ago. Organs and body cavities are fully visible, apparently sewn to surrounding tissues so as to remain inside the SCP's body. No infection or necrotizing processes have been detected, and despite this damage, SCP-XXX is fully mobile and capable of independent thought.
SCP-XXX can attach itself to the right half of a human corpse, by the expedient of common string and needle work. While attached in this way, SCP-XXX has full control of motor faculties of both its sides, and is capable of speech. SCP-XXX hosts may spontaneously return to life while attached, and express thoughts and vocalizations through the combined vocal apparatus. A host survives for five to eight days before rigor mortis fully takes over and forces SCP-XXX to discard it.
SCP-XXX is unusually agile for its primarily unipedal stance, able to climb and crawl through passages a regular human would not be able to follow into. It can regenerate tissue and bone damage, the speed of regeneration depending on how recently it has been attached to a host. It requires attachment to a host roughly every 45 days, with its regenerative capabilities ramping down progressively after that period.
Interview Audio Log XXX-03
Notes: SCP-XXX was uncovered at the city of ███ ████████, ███████ after a string of discarded hosts and public panic reached the media (Refer to annexed files, "Half Corpse Killer"). Incidents on the cities of █████ ██████ and ██████████ suggest there may be more instances of SCP-XXX: investigation is underway.
Item #: SCP-XXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX's prevalence among the human population makes complete containment impossible. The condition "appendicitis" has been introduced to the civilian population to disguise the activation and removal process of SCP-XXX. Task Force Upsilon-6 ("Trepanation Society") is assigned to verify medical background of possible extant cases of SCP-XXX-2, and if necessary, capture or neutralize them. As SCP-XXX-2 instances are often public figures, be reminded that observation of public coverup protocols is paramount.
Description: SCP-XXX is a organ present in some Homo sapiens sapiens organisms. It is a extension of the appendix, between 5 and 8 cm long and up to 3 cm in width. Its lining is similar to that of the intestine, with a thin layer of basal endometrium. SCP-XXX's small size and position between the intestinal folds make it difficult to locate without endoscopy or resonance imaging.
SCP-XXX's rate of appearance varies between human clades: it is more prevalent in Caucasian populations at about 3% rate, somewhat less frequent in Asian, Oceanic and American natives at 1-2%, and less than 0.2% in Sub-Saharan African populations. Genetic drift study suggests populations with SCP-XXX have a common ancestor in the Persian Gulf area roughly 60 thousand years ago.
In the vast majority of the population, SCP-XXX will remain inactive throughout the host's life. However, in 1 of about 1200 cases, SCP-XXX may become active, independent of age, health or emotional status. The symptoms of SCP-XXX activation are as follows:
Week 1: Acute abdominal pain, SCP-XXX swells to about 150% its size. Danger of rupture and subsequent peritonitis.
Week 2: Pain subsides partially. SCP-XXX starts growing a cellular mass within itself, termed SCP-XXX-1. SCP-XXX-1 is composed of human tissue, 5-7cm in width, similar to a teratoma in composition, covered in sensory organs, cilia-like structures and sharp protusions of dental enamel.
Week 3: Pain continues to reduce as SCP-XXX-1 is ejected from SCP-XXX and starts migrating up the digestive tract, against peristaltic movements. Subjects report lack of appetite or indisposition.
Week 4: SCP-XXX-1 cuts through the esophagus lining and forces itself into the cranium, usually through the foramen magnum. Patient often falls into a coma at this stage.
Weeks 5-8: SCP-XXX-1 vivisects part of the brain, replacing sections of the cortex with its own mass. The discarded brain pieces are sent through the esophagus opening to be digested in the stomach. Death rate in this step is over 95%.
Weeks 9-11: If still alive, the vessel, hereafter termed SCP-XXX-2, awakens.
Instances of SCP-XXX-2 show no apparent illness and only minimal loss of memory, despite what amounts to a partial lobotomy and replacement of the inner cortex. However, the experience notably alters SCP-XXX-2's faculties; many of their cognitive abilities are improved, along with less quantifiable mental qualities such as creativity, intuition and charisma. The behavior of SCP-XXX-2 is also drastically altered; usually, SCP-XXX-2 instances are shallowly sociable but ultimately incapable of forming personal bonds, prone to self-aggrandization, highly ambitious, and disconsiderate of ethical rules imposed by themselves or peers.
Interestingly, while SCP-XXX-2 instances are fiercely competitive with humans, they are largely amicable with each other, often forming contact networks to aid each other in subjugation of human populations. Their relation with humans often takes the form of "personality cults" that preach reprisal of non-followers. SCP-XXX-2 will often take to public media, either to broadcast their views to a larger public or merely to gather appreciation.
Captured SCP-XXX-2 show little interest in interaction or negotiation; extended interrogation has established most are not aware they are anything but regular, highly talented humans. Cure of the SCP-XXX-2 condition is difficult - Removal of SCP-XXX-1 leads to death in the vast majority of cases, and a relapse into coma in the rest. A removal attempt by anomalous means is being considered pending O5 approval.
There are no recorded cases of SCP-XXX activating more than once, or infecting any human other than the one it's grown into.
Item #: SCP-XXX
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is uncontained and uncontainable, and may attack any Foundation member, as well as any human on Earth, at any moment. Foundation members should avoid forming theories as to SCP-XXX's current location and how it may be contained. If any such theories are conceived, report to Site 107's Containment Room Zeta for documentation and Class-K amnesiac treatment. Make sure the outer and inner gates are locked before activating the amnesiac procedure.
Description: SCP-XXX is a segmented creature loosely similar to a myriapod, about three meters long and a meter tall when all its twelve limbs are touching the ground. Each limb is triply articulated and ends in a sharp claw. Both ends of the main body feature a large pair of mandibles and a cluster of segmented orbs, presumed to be sensory organs. SCP-XXX is composed of fiber-like cells without a nucleus or chromosomes, and none of its internal organs match known structures of other terrestrial beings.
SCP-XXX has a teleportation-like ability. It can displace itself to be close to any sentient creature of at least human levels of self-awareness, provided that creature is aware of SCP-XXX's existence, and that the creature believes him or herself to be unreachable by SCP-XXX. Such a target is thereafter termed SCP-XXX-1. The displacement ability need not be immediate; SCP-XXX has waited up to 12 hours before displacing itself to the location of a SCP-XXX-1, even when it was subsequently treated with Class A through C amnesiacs.
Being "aware of SCP-XXX's existence" includes but is not limited to: Having seen or sensed SCP-XXX in any way; having observed media that features SCP-XXX's visual or auditory appearance; having SCP-XXX described in more than cursory levels of detail; being aware of the designation SCP-XXX itself, as well as any monikers or descriptors referring to it (such as "the big centipede" or even "that thing"). The latter indicates this effect is not entirely telepathic in nature, as a person may be targeted even if it mistakes the nickname's subject for another, as long as it was originally used to refer to SCP-XXX.
Notable examples of beliefs that encompass "Unreachable by SCP-XXX" are: "SCP-XXX is contained"; "SCP-XXX is too far away to reach me immediately"; "I can defeat SCP-XXX physically, should it be close by", "SCP-XXX is destroyed" and "SCP-XXX is fictional".
SCP-XXX can be temporarily destroyed through the use of heavy arms fire or high explosives. However, its displacement ability also appears to reconstruct it, even if it is reduced to an undifferentiated pile of organic compounds. During testing of these abilities, it has usually displaced itself next to the person that destroyed it - who presumably believed themselves unreachable and thus became instances of SCP-XXX-1 - and retaliated violently.
SCP-XXX is extremely violent to humans, whom it readily dispatches with claw strikes. It has been observed climbing sheer surfaces and tearing through reinforced steel, and it favors displacing inside narrow spaces from which it can appear by surprise to incapacitate subjects one by one. Notably, it is less aggressive with primates, and completely ignores other lifeforms except as obstacles.
Incident Log:
- 11/06/████, Yazd, Iran - Foundation agents assault a Iranian Revolutionary Guard holdout during the execution of a ritual intended to summon and contain a Dabbat al-ard, a beast of Islamic eschatology. The ritual is interrupted, and fails to contain SCP-XXX. SCP-XXX, the IRG members and all but five Foundation agents - Tresser, Mason, Chua, Khorsandi and N██████ - are decommissioned in the ensuing altercation.
- 12/06/████, Site 182 - Agent Tresser is killed by a displaced SCP-XXX while debriefing, along with his immediate superior and two other agents. SCP-XXX is not seen by any other personnel; its presence is later confirmed by footage of event.
- 14/06/████, Site 94 - Agents Mason, Khorsandi, Chua and N██████ are brought in for extended debriefing and strategical discussion. SCP-XXX makes an incursion during the debriefing and overpowers personnel. Site 94's thermobaric/sealing device activated.
- 17/06/████, Site 107 - Last recorded coordinates of SCP-XXX, 40 minutes after Site 107 receives footage from Site 94. 33 personnel are KIA. Remaining footage indicates SCP-XXX has left the facility and its current location is unknown.
Note: SCP-XXX is out there. We do not know where, and it could reach any of us at any moment. If that bothers you, report to Psych immediately and request the last 30 minutes erased. Don't be creative or philosophical, we have two dozen graves stuffed with creative researchers on this subject and a hundred more with the backlash. Only be aware, and be wary. — Agent N██████