Retired/bad ideas go here
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is an infohazard. All information regarding SCP-XXXX should be tightly controlled. Information on SCP-XXXX should only be viewed by trained personnel with a stable mental state.
Should an information leak occur all efforts must be made to minimize the spread of the information up to and including termination of exposed individuals.
Description: SCP-XXXX is an entity which can only be perceived by certain individuals. Affected individuals commonly state that they are being “stalked” or “followed” by SCP-XXXX. No electronic recording equipment tested so far has been able to detect SCP-XXXX. Descriptions of SCP-XXXX have established that it is an approximately 2 metre tall humanoid with dark grey skin and a gaunt figure.
If an individual becomes aware of the existence of SCP-XXXX the entity may proceed to “stalk” them. However, this does not occur in all cases. Only the individual being “stalked” by SCP-XXXX is able to perceive the entity. See Addendum 012-A for information regarding the “stalking” process.
On ██-██-████ the Foundation investigated a series of unusual murders involving students enrolled in █████████ High School. Casualties included ██ enrolled students, ██ relatives of enrolled students and █ teachers. Interviews with involved students revealed that several of them were “stalked” by SCP-XXXX after viewing a website with information on the entity. All casualties were either close friends or relatives of "stalked" students. █ students determined to be aware of SCP-XXXX were subsequently terminated and a cover-story was released. The website hosting information on SCP-XXXX was shut down, the owner could not be located.
No information leaks have occurred as of ██-██-████ and the threat of SCP-XXXX remains under control.
Addendum 012-A
Partial transcript of interview with █████ ████████, a pupil enrolled in █████████ High School. Female, age 17. Hereafter referred to as Subject 012-A.
Dr. ███████: When did you first become aware of SCP-XXXX?
Subject 012-A: I… I think it was a few nights after I read that story. (subject pauses) I heard some weird noises, knocking and scratching. I was scared, but I thought it was just my dog or something.
Dr. ███████: You stated previously that you were able to visually observe SCP-XXXX. When did this first occur?
Subject 012-A: I don't know exactly. (subject pauses) A couple days after I heard the knocking I think. First it was like a feeling that something was watching me. (subject pauses) I got really scared when I started seeing it in the distance, like outside of windows and stuff. I thought it was some weird guy because I didn't see it up close until later. I told my parents and… and… (subject begins to cry)
Interview resumes 12 minutes later.
Dr. ███████: Can you describe SCP-XXXX?
Subject 012-A: (subject pauses, seemingly distracted) It… It's really dark grey… almost black. (subject pauses) Very tall… It's thin as well. (subject pauses) I never saw it that close but it looks… wrong. Its proportions are messed up.
Dr. ███████: Is it correct that SCP-XXXX spoke to you at some point?
Subject 012-A: (subject shifts in chair, seemingly uncomfortable) I don't know… I heard something at night two days ago. (subject pauses) I was in bed… and I heard something. (subject pauses) I think it was a dream.
Dr. ███████: What did you hear?
Subject 012-A: It was really quiet, I could barely hear it. (subject pauses) I… It was something about being alone… maybe… And then [DATA REDACTED].
Dr. ███████: Hmm… Are you sure that's what you heard?
Subject 012-A: I don't know… It doesn't make- (subject begins screaming and presses herself against the wall) It's in the fucking room! You said I was safe here! Oh God help me please! (subject curls into the foetal position and begins sobbing loudly) please… please… please…
Dr. ███████: You're safe, there's nothing else in the room!
Subject 012-A: (Subject looks up and begins to scream again) It's right there! Oh my God! I don't want to die! No! Please! Don't let it touch me!
Interview terminated
(memetic, infectious belief in the entity, entity does not actually exist)
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is stored in a secure locker at Site-16.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a black duffel bag 190 cm in length. Printed on the bag in white lettering are the words "Get Fit Quick Kit" and "The Factory". The bag itself is seemingly unremarkable. Contained within the bag are a set of 6 items designated SCP-XXXX-1 through SCP-XXXX-6. All items have shown anomalous properties with the exception of SCP-XXXX-4. They are as follows:
*SCP-XXXX-1: A plastic cylindrical pill container labelled "The Factory: Diet Pills". The container originally held 12 pills. Ingestion of a pill results in the user being unable to consume solid food without vomiting. Parenteral nutrition and/or administration of a liquid diet is required for survival after ingestion of the pill.
*SCP-XXXX-2: A white tube labelled "The Factory: Instant Muscle Gel". The tube contains a clear gel. Topical application of the gel to skin leads to an increase in volume of the underlying muscle. Treated muscles will grow steadily over a period of approximately 2 weeks to around 300% of their initial size. 2 weeks post-treatment large solid tumour growths will appear in the treated area, these will lead to death unless excised along with the surrounding musculature.
*SCP-XXXX-3: A plastic cylindrical pill container labelled "The Factory: Fat-B-Gone Pills". The container originally held 12 pills. Ingestions of a pill causes rapid breakdown of body fat leading to accelerated weight loss. However, ketoacidosis results several days after ingestion of the pill leading to death via blood acidification.
*SCP-XXXX-4: A black PVC yoga mat 182 cm long and 60 cm wide. The words "The Factory" are printed in large white lettering on both sides of the mat. The mat does not appear to have any anomalous properties.
*SCP-XXXX-5: A black plastic skipping rope with a length of 3 m. Contact with any part of the skipping rope apart from the handles will result in a painful sensation similar to an electric shock, this will occur even if the rope contacts clothing.
*SCP-XXXX-6: A pair of black running shoes with the words "The Factory" embossed in the rubber soles. Wearing of these shoes results in the nearby appearance of a jaguar which will proceed to chase the wearer. If the wearer manages to escape or kill the jaguar the animal will dissapear when it is out of sight. This process will occur again the next time the shoes are worn.
Addendum XXXX-1: Contents of a sheet of paper included with SCP-XXXX.
Get into shape quickly with the Get Fit Quick Kit from your friends at the Factory!
Tired of fad diets that don't work? Our pills make dieting easy!
Having trouble losing weight? Want to be able to treat yourself without feeling guilty? Take just one Fat-B-Gone pill and watch as your fat vanishes before your eyes!
Want to build muscle without tiring and time consuming workouts? Then our specially formulated Instant Muscle Gel is for you!
Having trouble motivating yourself to exercise? Our very special skipping rope and trainers are sure to do the job!
As a special thank you for purchasing this Get Fit Quick kit we've even included a free "The Factory" brand yoga mat!
“How did the Book come to us?”
Joren looked up from his reading and turned to face the young girl who had approached him.
“That's no way to greet your elders Alia. One must first address them by name and proper title.”
“Oh. Sorry Mister Joren.”
“That's quite all right. You wish to learn more of the Book?”
“Yes please.” Alia sat down on the grass, next to Joren.
“Some say that the Book is a gift from Geyre, others say it is from the Ones Who Came Before. All that is certain is that we are fortunate to have it in our possession. The Book guides us. Its wisdom has brought prosperity to our people.”
“What does it look like?” Alia asked.
Joren laughed softly. “Only the Keeper of the Book is allowed to see it, you know that.”
“I know,” Alia paused briefly. “Do you think I'll ever get to see it?”
Joren ruffled Alia's hair. “Yes child, I think you will.”